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add a variable product_ upload the file


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  • Author
    • #194442

      Dear Support Team,
      1.I need to add a variable product,
      but it’s only “Simple product” available in the Vendor Dashboard. Please see the attachment.
      How can I add a variable product (and the other types of products).

      2.For adding a Virtual and Downloadable product, where I can upload the file?

      3.Can I add a new product in WooCommerce instead of doing it in the MultiVendorX dashboard?
      If yes, how to do it?

      Many thanks!

    • #194448

      @kuei.liying Our replies are inline with your queries –
      1.I need to add a variable product,
      but it’s only “Simple product” available in the Vendor Dashboard. Please see the attachment
      How can I add a variable product (and the other types of products).
      >>To let vendors add variable and other types of products you will need to have MultiVendorX Pro installed and activated on your site.
      After activating MultiVendorX Pro on your site you need to enable different product types under Marketplace types in the Module submenu of MultiVendorX
      You can refer to the doc for the detailed configuration
      2.For adding a Virtual and Downloadable product, where I can upload the file?
      >>Once you tick the downloadable checkbox you will get option under the General tab to add downloadable files
      3.Can I add a new product in WooCommerce instead of doing it in the MultiVendorX dashboard?
      If yes, how to do it?
      >>Yes, Admin can add products from their end and assign that product to a particular vendor. Kindly follow the doc for detailed information

      • #194460

        Thanks for the reply.
        Please see the the question inline with:
        >>Once you tick the downloadable checkbox you will get option under the General tab to add downloadable files

        Q: After ticking the downloadable checkbox, I don’t see the General tab showing up. Screenshot as attached.
        Is there any settings I should do for having it?
        Many thanks!

    • #194464

      Thanks for the reply.
      For Q2:
      After ticking the downloadable checkbox, I don’t see the General tab showing up. Screenshot as attached.
      Is there any settings I should do for having it?
      Many thanks!

    • #194467

      Not to worry. You just need to go to the admin dashboard >> MultiVendorX >> Settings >> Products, from here you need to tick the required product fields

    • #196321

      Its been ling and we have not heard back from you. We presume your query is solved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please open a new support thread.

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