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Advertisement fee

MultivendorX Pro

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    • #195662


      I’d like to ask if it’s possible to add a fee for posting an advertisement. What options do we have to implement it with ease?

    • #195676

      @srv46126 Yes the vendor needs to pay for adding advertising to his product.
      You can follow our knowledgebase document to know the detailed configuration of the Advertise Product module of MultiVendorX

    • #195684

      I am sorry buy we have misunderstood each other – by posting an advertisement I meant giving user ability to add new product to be available on sale only after paying some fee.

    • #195765

      Thanks for explaining this to us.
      The vendor can put their product on sale, by adding the sale price This doc may assist you further
      Now if you as the admin want to charge a fee from the vendor for listing a product then you can simply use the MultiVendorX Pro Marketplace Membership module. This module has a feature where you can charge a vendor a certain price to add a product.
      Now in the subscription packages you can check the Product limitation option and set no. product upload ( and also set a fee for per product upgrade limitation(
      In your case here you can set the product limit as 0 and then set an amount for per product upgrade limitation price . So now whenever the vendor under that subscription plan will have to pay extra fees for listing every product on the site.
      For the detailed configuration of the module you may follow our documentation
      Now if you want to charge a fee from the vendor only when they want to add a sale price to a product then there is no such setting for that. You may add custom code on your end to achieve the flow.

    • #203397

      Its been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your issue is solved now. We are closing this thread. If you face issue or need help in future please create a new support topic.

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