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“Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room” –

                                                                   JEFF BEZOS

That’s right. As Jeff Bezos points out, branding is incredibly important when you’re trying to take your business to the next level and make a name for yourself. Branding not only helps you create a strong image of your business but also improves traction. So when you are starting a new business, investing a good amount of time and resources in branding will surely pay off for your future. So in this article, we will show you how you can do branding the right way.

What is branding?

As a marketing strategy, branding aims to make people identify and choose the product or service of a company over its competition.

May it be the “Women make the first move” concept like Bumble or the swipe right feature of Tinder; anything can become your business’s statement and uplift your brand.

We understand that as an entrepreneur creating brand awareness might be overwhelming for you. This is why in this article we listed why branding is important for start-ups and the top 5 elements to get your start-up branding foundation right.

So without wasting any time, let’s start by knowing-

Why branding is important for startups?

• Stand out in the Competition:  

Start-up branding helps a start-up distinguish itself from its competitors. To create a brand identity, you must conduct a market study in order to understand your customers and connect with them. Through this process, companies can articulate what makes them stand out as well as what particular gaps they can fill in their respective markets.

• A Longevity Promise:

Customers can also be assured that a company will be in business for a long time by building a brand and a clearly established identity. Branding is more than a logo or a tagline; it’s how you choose to communicate with your intended audience on a regular basis. Therefore, establishing your company as a brand will also establish customer longevity.

• Customer Loyalty and Relationships:

Did you know that over 79% of millennials claim to be loyal to their favorite brand? Brands are intended to encourage customer loyalty by their very definition. Thousands of different corporate names, brands, and advertising flood customers every day. A start-up must challenge itself to develop a distinctive promotional campaign in order to capture the attention of the typical consumer because a business cannot operate without consumers. As a result, it’s essential for start-ups to pay attention to branding and marketing procedures.


1. A memorable logo design- 

Your company logo is likely to be one of the first impressions people have of your company. People establish opinions about your logo in less than 0.05 seconds, therefore it’s necessary to create an effective design before you begin branding. For your business to be successful, you need a logo that conveys credibility, brand value, and quality. Use this opportunity to create the best impression. Make your logo distinctive and memorable so that people will remember you for years to come. 

2. A value-driven brand voice-

When it comes to branding, people often focus on the visual aspects of a brand, such as fonts, design, and styles. However, the voice of the brand is often overlooked. 

Brand voice is the distinctive personality that the brand adopts in its communication. Nike is a well-known example of this. While Nike’s products are impressive, a value-driven brand voice has also contributed to its success. Nike’s purpose is to inspire its consumers through a brand voice that represents positivity, inspiration, and strong messages. Nike motivates and encourages all consumers to “Just Do It.” 

Just like this, if you can express how your brand can add value to people’s lives, then you are already halfway there of creating a long-term brand image.

3. A unique mood board-

In mood boards, images are grouped in a certain order to express a particular theme. This way, you have a clear overview of your business by putting all your photos or visuals in one place. You can use a mood board to explore and describe your business’s brand identity. This will not only help you with branding but also make you unique from your competition. 

4. A set of favorite fonts-

This goes hand in hand with the tone of the business. Think about what your brand is about? And how you want to express your brand to your company. As an example, if you are using an informal voice to express your brand’s content, then you can use round fonts. But this shouldn’t be limited to only one font. You can use bold fonts to express powerful statements, all caps, important notices, etc. See what goes with your vision and use them.

5. A nice brand environment- 

It is imperative that your brand has a strong direction because it dictates the design for multiple assets. A nice workplace design can make employees up to 33% happier at work. So your brand’s purpose should extend into your office space. Regardless of the type of space you use, your clients, customers, and employees should see and experience your brand through well-designed interiors. Additionally, creating a brand for your space increases your chances of connecting with your audience.

Over To You, 

So, there you go! Now you know how you can do branding for your startup. Remember that it is much easier to convince an audience early on than it is to change an already negative image of you. So take the time to develop a branding strategy right from the start. And in the future, we guarantee you’ll thank the past for having a good branding strategy. 

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