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MultiVendorX Marketplace Features
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Commission Management


Payment Gateway Charge
The payment gateway charge feature insures that the payment gateway cost goes to the vendor apart from the commission value which is set by the rules. There are three options available. One is 'admin bear the gateway charge', here the site admin is responsible for the fees, which are taken from the administrator’s revenues or commissions. Another option is 'vendor bears the gateway charge', if this option is selected the fee is taken from the vendor’s commission. Lastly, 'Admin and Vendor bear gateway charges separately', in this final alternative, if both the vendor and the admin agree to bear the gateway fees separately, the fees for utilizing the gateway are taken from both of them.  
  • Build for:
  • Admin
  • Vendor
Module:    MultiVendorX Core|Read Documentation
Levels of Commission
There are five different levels of commission available to make it more convenient.
  • Product wise, here the admin can charge a commission fee from the vendor for the sale of each product.
  • The second level is category wise commission, here the admin can charge a commission on the sale of each category of product.
  • Third category is vendor wise commission, here the admin can charge different commissions from different vendors. 
  • Membership based commission which can be enabled with the use of marketplace membership module.
  • Lastly there is global commission, here the commission amount set by the admin would be applicable in case the commission amount for the other layers of commission is not set. In other words, the global commission is the commission that would be uniform and applicable to all.
  • Build for:
  • Admin
  • Vendor
Module:    MultiVendorX Core|Read Documentation
Types of Commission
There are seven types of commission options available, like :
  • 'fixed amount' where admin can charge the vendor a fixed amount per transaction
  • 'percentage' that could be charged on the total transaction or sale value
  • '%age + fixed(per amount transaction)' here commissions is calculated, on the basis of the percentage of the total transaction or sale value with the addition of a fixed amount for every transaction
  • %age + fixed (per unit)' here commissions is calculated, on the basis of the percentage of the total transaction or sale value plus a fixed amount per unit or per product
  • 'Commission by product Price' here admin can configure different commission rules for different ranges of product prices
  • 'Commission by Purchase Quantity' here admin can set different commission rules for different ranges of product purchase count
  • '%age + fixed (per vendor)' here a percent amount is taken by admin plus a fixed amount based on vendor.
  • Build for:
  • Admin
  • Vendor
Module:    MultiVendorX Core|Read Documentation