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WooCommerce Product Stock Manager & Notifier Pro

1 Sites at $1


1.1.2 - 19-06-2024
  • Added WordPress 6.5.4 compatibility.
  • Added WooCommerce 9.0.0 compatibility.
  • Added Option to search by product SKU in the Inventory manager page.
  • Fix Issue with reCAPTCHA not appearing on the product pages.
1.1.1 - 07-05-2024
  • Added Admin can unsubscribe/delete users from product.
  • Fix CSS fix for Out-Of-Stock-Subscriber List.
h5 class="h-semibold mb-3">1.0.1 - 17-01-2024
  • Added Coding structure updated.
  • Dev Class concept implemented.
  • Added WordPress 6.4.2 compatibility.
  • Added WooCommerce 8.5.1 compatibility.
  • Updated Language files.

= 1.0.0 - 2022-10-18 =

  • Initial version release.

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