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API Key and Product ID have been input and keeps saying is inactive

MultivendorX Pro

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  • Author
    • #214990

      helo i have inputted both, i bought the multivendor x pro and is not working although it saves the changes it does not activate my product

    • #215002
      António Parente

      I´M having the same issue

    • #215007

      Hello, Sorry to hear that you have faced this issue on your end.

      Kindly delete the current uploaded plugin from the all plugins page then download the plugin file from here then add that on your end again. then go to MultiVendorX >> License submenu >> put the API details and order id and click on save changes.

      You will get the required API details from here

      If you need any further assistance please let us know.

    • #215037

      It is not working I need a session as I have a delivery and is the first time I buy a product and the APIs don’t work

    • #215045


      It worked but as a vendor I am unable to upload an image for a product. login as a vendor

      i sent credentials in previous private thread

    • #215052
    • #215044
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #215072

      As we need to debug by disabiling plugins and themes on your end so kindly create a staging site that should be an exact replica of your live site and share the staging site url, temporaray admin and FTP access with us. While sharing the access don’t forget to mark your reply as private.

    • #215078
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #215079 When you are done please share the access witth us so that we can look into the issue.
      Please note we will have to deactivate plugins and themes on your end to debug the issue.

    • #215103

      I already did thats the staging site once you resolve it I need to know how to replicate it on production.

      This is a pressing matter and we can not keep waiting.

    • #215116 We have checked this on our end and there is no such issue in the vendor dashboard for uploading product images. This is a site specific issue and that is why we need to debug that on your end. So kindly share the access of the staging site so that we can debug the issue and help you accordingly to solve that.

    • #215117

      i have share it already ! as private

    • #215101
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #215119 Kindly check once by switching to some default theme such as twenty twenty three or Storefront and let us know whether you are still facing the same issue on your end.

    • #215122

      Please you told me to give you access i give you access and then you don’t use it. use the access as i have already followed your instructions we have been at this problem 7 days and you haven’t resolved it. You ask for something you don’t use it and change the request for something new

    • #215123 Can we disable the plugins/themes on your end and add our debugging code?

    • #215124


    • #215125

      you can do that just make sure to once you leave leaving it the same

    • #215129

      Hi We tried to debug the issue on your end and it seems like you have added some personalized code on your end for which the user having a vendor role is not getting the capability of accessing the backend and also uploading images.
      We added a user with the shop manager role and he can also access the wordpress backend and upload images.
      Kindly let us know what modification you have added on your end so that we can assist you accordingly.

    • #215120
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #215131

      Hi We tried to debug the issue on your end and it seems like you have added some personalized code on your end for which the user having a vendor role is not getting the capability of accessing the backend and also uploading images.
      We added a user with the shop manager role and he can also access the wordpress backend and upload images.
      Kindly let us know what modification you have added on your end so that we can assist you accordingly.

    • #215132

      I am not sure, I will check but you need to leave my website looking like it was looking before, is all broken now

    • #215134 I have activated the plugins and the child theme again on your end kindly check.

    • #215170

      what you are saying is that the existing ones have this issue but if i add a new one it will not have that issue?

    • #215196 We’ve conducted a thorough analysis on your side, and it appears that you’ve implemented custom code that restricts users with a vendor role from accessing the backend and uploading images. This situation applies universally to all users with the vendor role, regardless of whether they are old or new.

      We recommend carefully reviewing the code you’ve added on your end to identify and address the restrictions placed on vendors. Please verify this on your side, as we have not imposed any such limitations from our end. It seems likely that the issues faced by your vendors are a result of the custom code implemented on your platform from your end.

    • #217241

      It’s been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your query is resolved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please create anew support thread.

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