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Critical error when updating

Theme and Plugin Support

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    • #191603


      When updating from wcmp to Multivendor X we are getting a critical error below when trying to open multivendor x on the WordPress dashboard.

      “There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions”.

      Also, the dashboard does not look as it should and none of my old code from wcmp is working.

      I have live users and vendors on site and need some help.

      Thank you

    • #191604

      Hi @zedmanshere, sorry to hear that you have faced this issue.

      Please enable the debug mode of your WordPress site and load the page again. It will give you an error.
      Share the error message with us so we can assist you with the fix.

      • #191616
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    • #191627

      @zedmanshere, These errors are not related to us.

      In that case, please do share temporary admin and FTP access, so we can check and assist you.
      While sharing the access, don’t forget to mark the reply as private.

      • #191649
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      • #191671
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    • #191672

      Kindly share your site url with us .

    • #191673

      Hi, as per the error somehow there is memory allocation issue, which might be due to some plugin issue.

      But as this is live site, hence disabling them is not an option.

      So, please do create a staging site (by using plugin like wp-staging) and share that site’s username and password and FTP.

      • #191675
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      • #191706
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    • #191681
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    • #191683
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    • #191713
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    • #191725
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    • #191726
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    • #191787
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    • #191789

      Hi, our replies are inline :

      2. I have used a code in functions.php that I was given before to use the old vendor my shop page instead of the new elementor version but the only issue is strange arrows appearing in the dropdown menu (image attached)

      >> Kindly share the code so we can assist you with this.

      >>> add_filter(‘mvx_load_default_vendor_store’, ‘__return_true’);

      >>> Please share the shop page link so we can check.
      Also share temporary admin access of this site.

      – I’ve also noticed that when I use the bin icon to remove an item from the dashboard I get a ‘critical error on the website’ message. I have removed the bin icon until this can be resolved.
      >> Can you please share a video on how can we recreate this.
      >>> Videeo attached of error when I bin product

      >>>> We need to see the error. So please do share temporray admin, ftp access so we can check.
      While sharing the access, don’t forget to mark the response as private.

      – I can give you admin and php access but only to my live site as I can’t replicate this on staging?

      >>> That’s okay for initial debugging. But if we do need to edit the code, then we can’t proceed without a staging site.

      – my old knowledgebase of which I have lots of information written for the vendors has been wiped and is now empty.

      >> Is this happened at the time of migration from WCMp to MultiVendorX.
      >>> Yes this happened during migration and it seems my old knowledgebase information is gone? it just shows ‘There are no records to display’

      >>> That’s an issue may be. Let me consult with my team regarding this.

      – Emails from mvx are all moved to the right when they come into any email client, this is only affecting the mvx emails and not woocommerce – how can I solve this issue?

      >> There is no such issue on our end.
      So we need your site to detect this.

      – Is there anyway to remove the hover box on the visitor map that shows the number of visitors or remove the number from it?
      >> Can you please share a scrrenshot to explain this?

      • #191802
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    • #191852
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    • #191866

      Hi @zedmanshere, the error you are getting is probably coming from some third-party plugin conflict. But as this is a live site, we can’t disable plugin/theme there.

      Can you please create a staging site and share the temporary admin, FTP access so we can check?

    • #191919
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    • #191941

      Hello @zedmanshere
      Our replies are inline with your queries –
      1. The shipping zones are not showing for vendors in the MVX vendor shipping zone tab, even with zones turned on in modules and zones added in woocommerce shipping. (Image attached) Just saying no records of zones.
      >>You have not added Vendor shipping as a shipping method in the shipping zone that is why the shipping zone is not visible in the vendor shipping . I have added vendor shipping method in the shipping tab of WooCommerce on your site and now the shipping zones are visible under the Vendor shipping
      2. All MVX emails are right aligned or pushed to the right when they come into an email client – this is happening with all emails including orders and vendor new products which is the easiest to test on staging to see the issue. (image attached)
      >> WE are not sure why you are facing this issue. Can we disable the plugin theme just to make sure that there is no conflict issue.

      3. When clicking the bin icon in the dashboard all products section, there is a critical error when trying to bin a product. From the error I sent in the previous email, this is caused by Facebook for Woocommerce plugin and this is a plugin that I need to keep installed for my Facebook shop also ( vid attached)
      >> Can we add some debugging code in your live site?

      4. Vendor shop page menu has a strange arrow on the menu dropdown (image attached)
      >> We created a test vendor on your site and tried to login to the vendor dashboard . But it keeps asking for this password . Can you please provide this password so that we can check issues in the vendor dashboard.
      5. Could you help me remove the hover box number in the visitor map? I’d like to keep the country showing and where visitors are from but not the little number in the hover box. (image attached)
      >> Just to be clear you want to show United Kngdom but not United Kingdom [0]

    • #191964
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    • #191975

      Our replies are inline with your queries –

      2. Yes you can disable the theme and plugins in the staging site to test for this issue.
      >>After disabling the plugins except WooCommerce and MultiVendorX the mail content is not right aligned anymore . Kindly check
      Now activate the plugins one at a time to identify which plugin is causing this issue .

      3. This error can also be replicated on the staging site by binning a product from all products in the vendor dashboard. Can the debugging be done on the staging site as the issue is there also?
      >>Yes we are able to recreate the issue on the staging site and it is coming from The Facebook for WooCommerce plugin . Our team will debug this on your staging site. Kindly provide them some time.
      4. The password to see the site is Antiquity19+
      >>We have deactivated all plugins except WooCommerce and MultiVendorX on your site and the arrow in the vendor shop page is displayed in the correct manner .
      The issue might be coming from some other plugin . Kindly activate the plugins one at a time and check.
      5. Yes exactly that – I would like to show the countries but not the numbers in the box
      >>The number shown beside the country represents the number of visitors from that particular country . Now as you want to remove this our team will provide you with the solution . Kindly provide them some time.

    • #191977

      Hi Sangita,

      Thank you for your response.

      I will test out the plugins today to find the ones causing the issues.

      Please do let me know when the team has found the solutions for the other issues.

      Thank you again

    • #192037

      @zedmanshere, as this is a conflict issue, hence it would require some time for us.
      Kindly provide us some time.

    • #192176
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      • #192181
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    • #192186

      @zedmanshere, we are able to recreate the mail issue, and we have added the fix in our next update. For now we have added the fix in Github :

      Regarding the theme, basically, we need help from the theme author also. Can you please send them an email keeping our email in the cc :

    • #192300
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    • #192338

      Hi, please use this code to display delivery time for vendors

      • #192425
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    • #192441

      Hi, there is no issue with the registration flow.

      So to check the login issue, please share the vendor login.
      While sharing the access don’t forget to mark the response as private.

      • #192733
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    • #192775

      @zedmanshere the calculation of tax gets carried out by WooCommerce. Here is the doc for you :
      Now you can either give the tax calculated on the product, to the vendor or admin. Or you can also send tax calculated on the commission of the product per vendor and admin.
      To add VAT to the commission of the vendor Kindly go to Admin dashboard >> MultiVendorX >>Settings >> Commissions and enable “Commission Calculation On Tax” :
      Please refer to this doc

    • #195311

      Hi there,

      A couple of questions:

      1. Will you be updating Multivendor X to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress 6.3 and the latest WooCommerce 8.0.2? We would like to double-check if it is safe to update at present?

      2. Also, is there anyway to have one order form that is sent out to admin and vendor, instead of the commission form going to the vendor and order form to admin. Ideally, the order form would have all details of the sale and commission taken from the vendor.

      Thank you

    • #195324

      @zedmanshere Our replies are inline with your queries –
      1. Will you be updating Multivendor X to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress 6.3 and the latest WooCommerce 8.0.2? We would like to double-check if it is safe to update at present?
      >>MultiVendorX is completely compatible with WooCommerce 8.0.2. There should not be any issue. But we need to check the compatibility of MultiVendorX with WordPress 6.3.
      Hopefully we will release an update this week only after checking the compatibility.
      2. Also, is there anyway to have one order form that is sent out to admin and vendor, instead of the commission form going to the vendor and order form to admin. Ideally, the order form would have all details of the sale and commission taken from the vendor.
      >> As soon as an order gets placed the admin receives an email regarding the order details and vendor receives an email regarding the order with details of the commission and customer details
      The admin email is sent by WooCommerce so we do not have any control over that.
      Now if you need any further modifications inside the email template, that can be achieved by overriding the email template.
      So let us know what type of modification are you looking for, so we can assist you with this.

    • #195328
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    • #195362

      @zedmanshere We are working on updating our react library so it might take us some time to release the next update(maybe next week, hope you understand). But not to worry we will surely check the compatibility with WordPress 6.3 and WooCommerce 8.0.2.
      Can you please confirm if you want to show the admin commission on the admin mail or not.

    • #195377

      Hi Sangita,

      Yes, that’s fine, we will wait for the new update to be ready.

      On the form yes we would like the admin commission to be on it as well along with the full price of the item and the total that the vendor is paid. A breakdown of the full sale instead of just the vendor’s commission, similar to the attachment above. Hope that explains better what I’m meaning?

      Thank you.

    • #195382

      @zedmanshere You need to add customisations as per your requirement by overriding the following templates admin-new-order.php, vendor-new-order.php and you may follow the below paths for overriding the templates.
      For admin – yourtheme/woocommerce/emails/admin-new-order.php.
      For vendor – yourtheme/MultiVendorX/emails/vendor-new-order.php

    • #195839

      Hi Sangita,

      Finally got to updating and mostly working well.

      I am still having an issue with the ‘bin icon’ when clicking to delete a product in the dashboard – it’s giving a critical error. This seems to be caused by the Facebook for Woocommerce plugin as when I deactivate it, the product is able to be binned normally. I’ve been having this issue now for the last few updates and have had to use css to remove the bin icon from the dashboard but this is needed for my newest update.

      Also, the image on the vendor profile shop page is not responsive on mobile and this can look quite strange at times.

      Help on these issues would be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you.

    • #195844

      @zedmanshere Our replies are inline with your queries –
      –I am still having an issue with the ‘bin icon’ when clicking to delete a product in the dashboard – it’s giving a critical error. This seems to be caused by the Facebook for Woocommerce plugin as when I deactivate it, the product is able to be binned normally. I’ve been having this issue now for the last few updates and have had to use css to remove the bin icon from the dashboard but this is needed for my newest update.
      >>Kindly create a staging site and share the staging site url, temporary admin and FTP access with us. So that our team can check the error on your end and try to help you to fix this.

      – Also, the image on the vendor profile shop page is not responsive on mobile and this can look quite at times.
      Help on these issues would be greatly appreciated.
      >> Kindly share a screenshot showing where you are facing the responsive issue so that we can check this and help you accordingly.

    • #196161
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    • #196220

      @zedmansher Our replies are inline with your queries –
      —The Facebook for woocommerce plugin is currently deactivated and you can test and see the bin icon works but as soon as activated there is a critical error when binning an item.
      >>Our dev team is looking into this.As this is a conflict issue with a third party plugin hence it might take some time to fix this. Kindly give us a little more time.
      –I have also noticed a bug on the vendor dashboard page linked below when I try to click the login widget at the top right of the page when logged out the page will freeze and become unresponsive.
      >>We have logged in to the vendor dashboard using the credentials shared by you. But did not face any responsive issue while logging out. Please check the video –
      Now kindly share a video describing how we can recreate the issue so that we can help you accordingly to solve that.

    • #196225

      @zedmanshere Our team has checked the issue further with the Facebook for woocommerce plugin. But as the issue is coming from that plugin hence we can help you to fix the issue temporarily.
      You need to remove line no. – 445 and add the below code in the Sync.php file of the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin. You can follow the below path to add the changes –
      wp-content\plugins\facebook-for-woocommerce\includes\ProductSets\Sync.php –

      if (taxonomy_exists( 'fb_product_set' )) {
                  return get_terms( $args );
              } else {
                  return false;

      In our product page of the vendor dashboard this fb_product_set taxonomy does not exist. That is why the error is occurring.
      Kindly contact the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin team for a proper fix of the issue as we can just provided you with a temporary fix only.

    • #196350
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    • #196362

      @zedmanshere Sorry to hear that you have faced an issue by using our code.
      As a plugin developer we can not change or add modifications to some other plugin’s files. So it would be better if you can reach out to the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin team and explain them the thing that we have mentioned in #196225 so that they can help you accordingly.
      Also our team has already started working on the enhancement for HPOS. Hopefully soon we will be able to add support for HPOS in MultiVendorX.

    • #207702

      Its been long and we have not heard back from you. we presume your query is resolved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue please create a new support ticket.

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