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I cannot see the WPML translation flag icon on the vendor dashboard product page


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    • #195241

      I have bought MultivendorX Pro & WPML.
      But I can not know how to set for vendors to translate their products.
      There are no flag icons in the metabox on the add & edit product page.
      I would like to know more information about the steps to work with WPML.
      I have already viewed the following pages and videos.

    • #195247

      @yasu Sorry to hear that you are facing issues on your end.
      But can you please check again if you have configured the WPML plugin correctly from the admin dashboard. You can follow this video for reference of step by step configuration
      If you still face an issue, kindly create a staging site that should be an exact replica of your live site and share the staging site URL, temporary admin and vendor access with us.

    • #195251

      I replied with set as private reply.

    • #195250
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #195264

      Thanks for sharing the access.
      But while clicking on the site admin URL we are getting this

    • #195269

      Sorry, I have changed the server settings.

    • #195319

      @yasu We have checked the flow of WPML on the vendor dashboard and it is working fine. Kindly check the video for the flow
      But we have found out that the translation flag icons are somehow not visible on the edit product page. Can you please deactivate other plugins than Woocommerce , MultiVendorX, WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency with WPML and The WordPress Multilingual plugin on your end and check the WPML module flow on your end again and check if the icons appears or not and also switch to some default theme such as Twenty twenty three or Storefront.
      Please do keep us posted regarding the same.

    • #195321

      I have already tried disabling other plugins and switching to the default theme, but the flag icon did not appear.
      Please check that I have tried setting again.
      If there is no problem with the configuration, it is a bug.

    • #195335

      @yasu The site key for setting up WPML has expired on our end. So it is not possible for us to check.
      Can you please share a staging site access and ftp so we can check.

    • #195340

      My staging site I sent you still has a valid WPML license key.
      I don’t understand why you can’t check on my staging site.

    • #195378

      Any update on this?
      The test cannot continue and I am in trouble.

    • #195387

      Sorry, there are more problems.
      In the vendor dashboard, the feature appears to differ between the default language and other languages.
      In other languages, the multilingual meta box is not displayed, not the flag icon.
      In the default language, the language switcher is not displayed on the profile icon.
      In other languages, the “Affiliate Management” menu of AffiliateWP is not displayed.
      Does MultiVendorX not support WPML?

    • #195390

      @yasu, I am looking into this issue, but as shared by Sangita, I am still not able to access the admin end.
      This is the page I am getting :

    • #195393

      Which URL are you trying to access?
      Sangita-san has already successfully accessed it.
      And, could you also test it in your environment?

    • #195411

      Please reply since we need to resolve this problem as soon as possible to do tests of the MultivendorX and WPML.
      We will continue to wait but we require the speed.

    • #195444

      Extremely sorry for the delay. Kindly share the FTP access of your site with us so that our dev team can check the issue.
      While sharing the access please mark your reply as private.

    • #195447
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #195448

      I have tried installing it on another server and have the same problem.
      Please tell me if there are any problems with MultiVendorX and WPML in your environment.

    • #195456

      Thanks for the access. Our team will check this and get back to you as soon as possible. Kindly provide us some time.

    • #195468
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #195469

      Please set your reply as private.

      I have changed the server settings.
      Can you try again?


    • #195481

      @yasu Our team is working on the fix. Kindly provide us some.We will add the fix on your end.

    • #195483

      What do I provide for you?
      Can you connect to my server via FTP?

      I am always waiting for your answers to my questions.


    • #195514

      We have added a fix for the issue on your end kindly check the flow of WPML on your site.

    • #195515
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #195531

      We have checked the flow on the admin end too. A product has been added by the admin and there also the error is coming when the language button is clicked for translation. Kindly check the video : Also the error is not coming from our plugin.
      Kindly check again carefully.

    • #195532

      This video shows the same error that I mentioned earlier (#195515).
      This error was not there originally and has occurred since you worked on it.
      Please check for any problems.

    • #195549

      @yasu The error is coming from some other plugin. So can you please write to them about this error keeping us in loop.

    • #195557

      After changing the theme, the error was fixed.
      The next problem is below.
      – In other languages, the multilingual meta box on add & edit product page is not displayed.
      – In the default language, the language switcher is not displayed on the profile icon.
      – In other languages, the “Affiliate Management” menu of AffiliateWP is not displayed.
      – In other languages, the “AffiliateWP” tab on add & edit product page is not displayed.

    • #195564

      Yasu, our team is looking into this.
      We will keep you posted.

    • #195569

      Thank you for your response.

    • #195572

      In non-default language, When I try to save options on the Storefront page, I get a “Shop Title Update Error”.

    • #195582

      @yasu We have checked the issues on your end. But we are unable to recreate those on your end. Kindly check the video
      So it will be better if you can share some videos showing how we can recreate the issues so we will be able to help you accordingly.

    • #195586

      Sorry, the error occurred only for the items I had previously added.
      New added items did not generate any errors.

    • #195594

      @yasu Happy to hear that. So all your issues seemed to be resolved now.

    • #195609

      Have you resolved the following issues?
      – In other languages, the multilingual meta box on add & edit product page is not displayed.
      – In the default language, the language switcher is not displayed on the profile icon.
      – In other languages, the “Affiliate Management” menu of AffiliateWP is not displayed.
      – In other languages, the “AffiliateWP” tab on add & edit product page is not displayed.

    • #195610

      Kindly share some videos or screenshots of the errors that you are getting so that we can recreate those and help you accordingly.

    • #195614

      – In other languages, the multilingual meta box on add & edit product page is not displayed.
      The default language is “image1”.
      Other languages is “image2”.

      – In the default language, the language switcher is not displayed on the profile icon.
      Other languages is “image3”.
      The default language is “image4”.

      – In other languages, the “Affiliate Management” menu of AffiliateWP is not displayed.
      The default language is “image5”.
      Other languages is “image6”.

      – In other languages, the “AffiliateWP” tab on add & edit product page is not displayed.
      The default language is “image7”.
      Other languages is “image8”.

    • #195719

      Are you able to recreate the issue on your end?

    • #195757

      Our team is looking into the issue. Kindly provide us some time. As we are not able to recreate this on our end hence it is taking quite some time for us to debug this on your end.
      So please keep the login access of site open as our team is debugging the issue on your end.

    • #195758

      I need to open the site as soon as possible and do some testing on my end this month.
      I will wait, but by all means, please fix it quickly.

    • #195759

      Our team is checking. Please provide us with some time. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

    • #195760

      Thank you.
      I look forward to hearing from you.

    • #195896

      @yasu Extremely sorry for the delay.
      Our replies are inline –
      – In other languages, the “Affiliate Management” menu of AffiliateWP is not displayed.
      – In other languages, the “AffiliateWP” tab on add & edit product page is not displayed.

      >>We have checked your site and the MultiVendorX Pro is not activated on your end hence you are not getting the options of Affiliate management on your vendor dashboard.

      – In the default language, the language switcher is not displayed on the profile icon.
      – In other languages, the multilingual meta box on add & edit product page is not displayed.
      >>We use their default function to integrate the flow on the vendor end. We use the below hook to replicate the flow

      do_action( 'wpml_footer_language_selector');

      So, we’re only replicating their default flow on the vendor’s side. They’ve set it up so translations happen just once. Once the vendor translates the dashboard, they can’t do it again.

    • #195898

      I have activated the MultiVendorX Pro.
      Please check again.

      “wpml_footer_language_selector” hook is not only for the default language.
      You can contact the WPML.

      It is a problem that the language switcher meta box is not displayed for the non-default languages.
      The problem is that “mvx_is_module_active(‘wpml’)” is false in “/classes/class-mvx-frontend.php” on line 52 and “/classes/class-mvx-ajax.php” on line 126.
      “mvx_is_module_active(‘wpml’)” should be true.

    • #195955

      @yasu can you please check by editing the code on your end according to your last reply and let us know if that fix the issue or not.

    • #195958

      If “mvx_is_module_active(‘wpml’)” is set to true, the meta box will be visible.

    • #195961

      Is this working on your end while correctly if “mvx_is_module_active(‘wpml’)” is set to true?
      If that works then use the plugin with the modification added on your end and also create a staging site that should be an exact replica of your live site and share the site access, temporary admin and FTP access with us so that we can check this.

    • #195962

      I cannot modify the code.
      I have already provided you with the staging site.
      Please modify the code.

    • #195984

      @yasu The issue seems to be coming from some issue in the WPML database structure. Because of this when you are changing the language that is not coming on the vendor dashboard.
      Kindly reconfigure the WPML on your end again and check if this fixes the issue or not.

    • #195985

      I found the cause.
      The problem seems to be the way MultiVendorX holds its configuration data.
      – Go to the “Modules” or “Settings” screen in MultiVendorX and change any settings. (e.g. the WPML module)
      – Use the language switcher in the admin tool bar to change the language. (image1)
      – Go to the “Modules” or “Settings” screen in MultiVendorX. You will notice that the settings are different.
      Different languages have different configuration data and therefore behave differently.
      In any case, I would like a modified file to show the language switcher in the vendor dashboard meta box.

    • #195993

      Have you checked by reconfiguring WPML on your end?

    • #195994

      What exactly does it mean to reconfigure the WPML?

    • #196028

      @yasu It seems like some modules need to be resaved for each language of WPML.
      So, kindly follow the below steps to reconfigure –
      –In the admin dashboard switch to a non default language
      –Go to MultiVendorX Modules submenu and disable the WPAffiliate & WPML module
      –Then again enable the the modules
      –Repeat the same for all the languages from the admin dashboard
      –Then check the issues you are facing with WPML and WPAffiliate in the vendor dashboard.
      Do keep us posted.

    • #196029

      I have already tried that workaround.
      For now, I would like to have a fixed file to display the language switcher in the meta box of the vendor dashboard.

    • #196035

      @yasu after the reconfiguration stated above the issues on your end are fixed. Kindly check the video

    • #196045

      I was denied access to the video.
      I would like to have a fixed file to display the language switcher in the meta box of the vendor dashboard.

    • #196049

      @yasu Kindly check the video here
      We have added the fix for the issues with WPML. We will also add the same in our next MultiVendorX update.
      If you want we can add the fixed plugin on your end and check the flow.

    • #196050

      Please give me the fixed plugin file in advance.

    • #196051

      can we add the fixed plugin on your staging site and check the flow. Once we are done testing we can provide you with fixed file that you can use on your live site.

    • #196052
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #196054
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #196056

      @yasu Kindly take a back up of your staging site and inform us about the same so that we can check the flow on your end by adding the MultiVendorX with the fix.

    • #196057

      I backed up!

    • #196063

      We have added the fixed version of MultiVendorX on your staging site. Kindly check the full flow there and let us know.

    • #196071
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #196072

      Yes, Kindly check carefully. The issues with WPML flag icon not present on the vendor edit product page, WPAffiliate module not working for non default languages, language switcher option for non default languages not showing all these has been fixed,

    • #196073

      The issue #196052 has not been resolved.

    • #196074

      Are there any issue arising for viewing or purchasing the products for the slugs shown on image 1?

    • #196075

      As it is not the correct URL, the user cannot switch languages and cannot access the product page.

    • #196077

      Our team is looking into this. Kindly provide us some time.

    • #196080

      Understood. We are waiting.

    • #196178

      @yasu Thanks for your cooperation. We have activated WPM for thorough testing of the module WPML on our end. Our team is checking the full flow thoroughly to fix all the issues. That is why it is taking some time to provide you with the fix.

      Kindly give us a little more time. We will surely keep you posted regarding the same.

    • #196181

      I’m glad to hear that.
      I hope the problem goes away.

    • #196185

      Our team is working on the fix. Once we are done we will surely let you know.

    • #196217

      In the earlier flow WPML used to duplicate the main product and create a translated duplicate copy of that product. We have also implemented that same flow for vendors.
      But now they have changed their flow where they are not creating a duplicate but just creating a translated version without duplicating the product.
      So we also need to modify our flow and implement the same for vendors. But not to worry our dev team is getting touch with the WPML team for this.
      Kindly provide us some time to implement support for the new flow of WPML for vendors.

    • #196218

      It took a while, but I am glad you contacted the WPML team.
      If developers talk to each other, the solution is likely to come faster.

    • #196221

      Thanks for your great cooperation. We hope to add support for the new flow soon.

    • #196626

      Any update on this?

    • #196632
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #196814

      Still no answer?

    • #196855

      @yasu We have heard back from the WPML team. Our team has already started working on the modifications. As there is a good amount of modification that needs to be added hence kindly provide us a little time. We will add the fix soon and also keep you posted once we are done fixing the issue.
      Again thank you for your consistent cooperation.

    • #197111

      Thank you for your efforts.
      We hope it will be easy to use for a long time.

    • #197125

      @yasu We are really sorry for the delay and also we are extremely thankful for your kind cooperation.
      We have received the information from the WPML team and Our team is working on the implementation of the fix and we hope there will not be any issue after the fixes.
      Again thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

    • #197637

      Can you give us an update?

    • #197643

      Hello @yasu We are extremely sorry for the delay.
      Our dev team has started working on this. As there has quite a few changes from WPML’s end and we have gotten limited information from their end and we had to do our own researches to proceed further that’s why it is taking more time than expected.
      Hopefully by next week we will be able to provide you with a fix.

      We really appreciate your cooperation in this regard.

    • #197650

      Thanks for letting us know your schedule.

    • #197652

      @yasu Once we are done we will surely keep you posted.

      Again thanks for your cooperation.

    • #214298

      When will the update be available?

    • #214317

      @yasu We sincerely apologize for the delay. While implementing compatibility changes for WPML with MultiVendorX, our development team identified additional unknown issues. They are actively collaborating with the WPML team to address all these issues comprehensively, ensuring a seamless experience for you in the future.
      Due to these unforeseen challenges, it is taking us longer than anticipated to deliver the fix. We assure you that we will provide the updated plugin file containing fixes for all identified issues as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this process. We appreciate your patience

    • #215013
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #215153

      Please allow me to download.

    • #215156
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #215218

      Thank you for sending this message.
      I was able to download it successfully.

      I have tried this and it seems that settings such as price are separate for each language.
      Do you support Woocommerce multicurrency?

      We would like to test transactions after High-performance order storage is supported.
      When do you plan to support this?


    • #215251

      @yasu Our replies are inline with your queries –
      – Do you support Woocommerce multicurrency?
      >>At the moment, multi currency support is not available. The currency specified in WooCommerce Settings will be retained when using MultiVendorX

      –We would like to test transactions after High-performance order storage is supported.
      When do you plan to support this?
      >> Our development team has been actively engaged in integrating WooCommerce HPOS feature support with MultiVendorX, hopefully by this week we will be able to release an update with HPOS feature support.
      Additionally, could you inform us whether the WPML-related issues you previously encountered on your end have been resolved?

    • #215300

      Not all tests have been completed, but it now appears to be WPML compliant.
      We look forward to updates to support HPOS and WPML.

    • #215304

      @yasu We are pleased to announce that the beta version of MultiVendorX, compatible with HPOS, will be released by EOD today.

    • #217347

      Its been long and we have not heard back from you. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please do create a new support topic.

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