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Product imports stock update


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    • #217512

      Hi, I am trying to find a way so that stock levels of vendors on my marketplace is linked to the stock levels on their own internal systems and instore….

      The issue here is that if they sell out of a product in their physical store the products in their vendor store on my marketplace would not be updated automatically to show as zero stock and sold out. Also if they were to sell out in their vendor store on my marketplace, their physical store stock levels would need updating automatically.

      Are there any modules that use a API key or XML file with con jobs or something to link to their system to manage stock levels automatically or at least by the minute, Is there anyway to manage this issue? I am using Multivendorx free plugin.
      Kind regards

    • #217549

      Hello @brab, our plugin by default does not have any such support for syncing the stock inventory of a vendor’s personal store with their store on the multi-vendor site.
      However, You can use a plugin like this on your end to achieve your required flow.
      Let us know if you need any further assistance from our end.

    • #217563

      Thank you for your response. I have looked at this option and it only allows for 5 vendors so i am going to have to look for something different such as all import or something.

      Related to this import of data is bookings. with your pro version, is there a option for syncing google diary or another diary system to a rental company so that people can not book a rental on a day that is not available in the rental companies diary as the car is already booked for that date? Removing the issue of an available date on my marketplace for a rental which is not available as the rental company has it booked out on their system but the two systems are not linked and thats a issue.

      Kind regards and thank you again I will be purchasing the pro version when I get the funds, your plugin is increadible.

    • #217567

      @brab With the Bookings product type (for this you need WooCommerce Booking) of MultiVendorX Pro, the vendors have the option of integration with google calendar. Using which vendors can view their bookings on a calendar format. The booking planner also makes it easier for the vendor to see if he/she is booked on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis.
      Also with the functionality of the Availability tab in booking products the vendors can easily set up an availability and display to customers the availability of their service or product accordingly.
      Learn details about the booking product type from our doc here
      You can also check the flow for booking product types in our demo site below –
      Also thanks for your kind words for our plugin. It will be really great if you can give us 5/5 review here:
      This would motivate the team further to do their job more efficiently and also give others the option to choose the best multi vendor plugin for them.
      Also by doing so you can earn reward points that you can redeem for discount when purchasing the MultiVendorX Pro( Learn more about how you can contribute to the MultiVendorX community and earn rewards from here

    • #217580

      Thank you for your response, I am so impressed with your customer service and plugin! I have just left a review for your plugin, I hope it helps!

    • #217581

      Thank you very much for your kind words. Let us know if you need any further assistance from our end.

    • #219374

      Hello There, Its been long and we have not heard back from you. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue on your end in future please do create a new support ticket.

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