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Tipping feature at Checkout

MultivendorX Pro

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  • Author
    • #214706
      Braxton Moody

      My current setup requires Vendors to handle deliveries (either in-house or via 3rd party). Is it possible to collect a Delivery Tip during Checkout that is entered by the Customer and passed to the Vendor?
      It would function much like the way MultiVendorX handles Tax and Shipping cost, but would be inputted by the Customer during Checkout.

    • #214776

      Hello @Braxton Moody Thanks for getting in touch with us.
      By default we do not have any such functionality for customers to pay tips to vendors.
      You can add this functionality on your end in two ways via customization.

      Use a plugin like on your end and make this plugin compatible with MultiVendorX. This way the custom code will take payment from the customer and send that to the vendor using our commission flow.

      You can custom code this whole flow, if you want, you can contact our custom team from here and they will help you with your custom flow accordingly on your end.

    • #214819
      Braxton Moody

      Thank you for the quick response. We will keep you informed of our progress. At this time, we found a work around by using the Zone-Wise Shipping module to create 4 shipping methods (No Delivery Tip, 10% Tip, 15% Tip, and 20% Tip). We used the formula [cost]*.10 to calculate a 15% tip, and it is set to go directly to the vendor. It’s not perfect, but will work for now.

    • #214851

      @Braxton Moody Thank you for keeping us informed.

      If you require assistance with configuring the shipping by zone module, you can refer to our documentation available at

      If you need any further assistance from our end, feel free to reach out to us.

    • #216898

      It’s been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your query is resolved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please create a new support ticket.

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