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NerdySupportExpert Moumita

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  • in reply to: Membership questions #94880

    Hi Chris, thanks for getting in touch with us.

    Our replies are inline :
    * Notifications: With a test Vendor we created a subscription, got an email OK to notify us of a new Vendor Account created, but nothing to notify us of a new Subscription – is that correct? Because the Vendor Account is created BEFORE a subscription (and a vendor might create an account but not subscribe yet), we would like to be notified of new subscriptions rather than Accounts, so we can browse to the Admin site and decide whether to approve their Subscription or not.
    >> Yes, currently we only send admin New Vendor account mail.
    However in our next update we will send a mail when vendor subscribes for a plan, we will share the same details too on the mail.

    * Is there any way to list ‘Pending’ memberships (not approved yet) on the website so we can see only the queue of Memberships that are awaiting approval? The only way I can see this at the moment online is to hover the mouse over each one to see if Approve/Reject etc is shown.
    >> In our next update we will add the pending membership in our To-Do list too.

    * If we don’t Approve a Membership, is their payment automatically refunded and their membership cancelled?
    >> Currently membership payment is not automatically refunded, however, you can do this from your PayPal account.

    * Under Memberships, what is the difference between Deactivate Plan and Reject?
    >> Deactive plan, will just unassign the plan from the vendors.
    But reject vendor will change the vendor role as rejected pending vendor.

    * For a test Membership, I setup a monthly membership type with an Initial Payment of £12 and Recurring Payment of £12 (assuming this would be the fee due a month from now) but the payment received by the marketplace owner is actually immediately £24 – is this how it works? Is ‘Initial Payment’ actually a setup fee and you are also charged the Recurring fee at the same time when you create the Subscription?
    If Initial Payment is actually more like a setup fee, is there any way to remove this from the Subscription pages, because setting it to 0 still shows it as £0 in the middle of the page (with no text explanation of what it means) and this could be quite confusing for users.
    >> I guess you are using Stripe payment mode. Stripe needs you to set both intital price and recurring price. It will deduct both intital and recurring payment amount during new account.
    But for the recurring amount, it needs you to pay only the recurring amount.

    * Typo on the Manage Memberships page, ‘Show all palns’ should read ‘Show all plans’
    >> Can you share a scrrenshot of this, so we can help you out.

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