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Pre-Sales FAQ

What is the price of your plugin?

>>Our core plugin, MultivendorX is free. You can download it from here – and use it on your WordPress site.

Our documentation will also help you set up the plugin :

Can I use any theme for my marketplace?

>>Any WooCommerce compatible theme works perfectly with our plugin (if they are coded with proper WooCommerce Standard).

However, if you still face any issue, not to worry. Craete as support ticket, so our technical team can help you out :

What is WCMP ALL-IN-ONE Pack? Is it for lifetime?

>>In WCMp All-In-One-Pack, we provide 9 add on’s at a cheaper rate, i.e., 320$.
For the first year, you need to buy these product at the mentioned price. From second year onwards, we charge 50% of the product price to continue receiving updates and support and renew your license keys.

What happens if I donot renew the license from second year onwards?

>>You may not renew the license for the second year. After buying the plugin, you will receive free support and updates for the first year. But, not renewing the license for the second year, will stop you from receiving any updates for the plugin.

Hence, in order to run your marketplace smoothly and efficiently, renewing your license is necessary.

Do you provide support over phone?

>>We only provide support via email, chat, forum.

Do you provide free support?

>>As per our support policy, we provide free support for installation, our default functionality, customized configuration.

For further customization, if you need to change or modify anything on the WCMp plugin, then you may need to hire a developer. We will be happy to share the correct file location or function reference.

How long does it take for your support team to answer my query?

>>Generally we try to answer your queries within 24 hours. However, the response might get delayed on few days due to busy schedule.

Do you have any demo site?

>>Yes, we have a demo site. Here is a link to our demo site.

Can vendor have their own shop?

>>When a vendor registers into the site, we create a store for them using their username. The store URL would be something like this – shop base/user name.

Does your plugin provide a separate dashboard for vendors?

>>On successful installation of MULTIVENDORX plugin, it creates two pages by default – vendor dashboard, vendor registration.

On registering through the vendor registration form, they will be re-directed to their own dashboard page, where they can manage their products, orders, shipping, commission withdrawal etc.

I want to purchase this add-on for a single site.can you give it to me at a lower price?

>>We sell our add on’s for a minimum of 3 sites.

Do you have any trial period?

>>No, we don’t have any trial period as such, we do have a demo site where you can check the plugin. Also, you can get a free version available at here.

Is the license pack lifetime or yearly?

>>All our plugins license are on a yearly basis. From second year onwards, we charge 50% of the product price to renew your license and continue providing updates and support.

What are the systems requirement?

>>The server requirement of MultivendorX is Php 7.0 or higher, My SQL , WordPress 5.2.4 or higher, WooCommerce 3.8.0

Can a customer enquire about any product before purchasing?

>>We do have support to let customers enquire about a product before purchasing.
For this, you have to use our add on, WooCommerce Catalog Enquiry Pro

Can I modify MultivendorX functionality?

>>Yes, MultivendorX is 100% customizable.

Is your plugin multi-site supported?

>>Like WooCommerce, MultivendorX is also not compatible with core concept of multisite. This means, when you install and activate the MultivendorX plugin, it will be activated on all sites, and there will be an option to create a store, set up products for each site on the multisite, individually. Each store will be independent of the other.

So, say I have 3 sites in a multisite- Blue, Orange and Purple (with Purple being the main site). When I install and activate MultivendorX on Purple, it will be activated on Blue and Orange as well. When I add products on Purple, or update some settings the changes will not be reflected on Blue or Orange, by default.

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