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NerdySupportExpert Moumita

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  • in reply to: Payment Methods by Vendor or Category #104351


    I’m afraid, we haven’t checked the compatibility of above plugin with vendor end.

    in reply to: Membership questions #100904

    Chris, our replies are inline :

    3, I noticed that for a Vendor with an inactive membership, if they click on My Account, the Dashboard link isn’t shown (I guess because they are no longer a vendor?). So unless they have bookmarked the Dashboard page and revisit this, they won’t see this and notice the ‘Resubmit Application’ button! This isn’t linked to in the standard email either so I’m not sure how they would know how to re-apply?

    >> Currently we display this section:

    However, we will add the resubmit option there in our future update.

    – Also how does the marketplace admin add a note when rejecting their application? I can see ‘Test note’ was added when a Vendor was rejected but I didn’t type this text – how is this generated and how can it be changed?

    >> Admin can add rejection note from here:

    2. Can Payment Method be shown as a column in the User list? This will show us who hasn’t connected Stripe yet.

    >> Yes.. however for this you need to do come custom code.
    Our technical team is looking into this.

    3. Is there a way to manually temporarily disable a Vendor’s membership until they have enabled Stripe, then we can enable again?
    We tried this by selecting ‘De-activate plan’ on the Membership list page, but we can’t re-enable a membership (that user has the same Plan highlighted on the Membership plan page but it can’t be activated)?

    >> Yes, you can manually disable the plan via WP-admin >> Vendor Types >> Membership.

    Let us know if you have any further queries.

    in reply to: membership subscription #100709, thanks for sharing the details.

    I have shared this with the team.
    We will keep you posted.

    in reply to: membership subscription #100603, @admin@mid thanks for sharing the feature request.

    Can you please explain exactly what information do you want to show inside the invoice and also to whom?

    in reply to: Refund support for Express Accounts #97212

    @redilson, yes we do have plans to add this support.

    We are trying to release this as soon as possible. We will keep you posted.

    in reply to: Membership questions #97196

    @emanuele we need to inspect the issue in your site.

    Please do create a separate thread and share the site access and ftp access there. So we can check this issue there.

    in reply to: Membership questions #96896

    @chris sands, okay thanks for the request.

    I have shared this with our team.

    in reply to: Membership questions #96422

    Hi! Please add this code to your current active theme’s functions.php

    //Inserting header
    add_filter('wcmp_list_table_vendors_columns', 'add_store_name');
    function add_store_name($columns){
    $columns = [
                'cb' => '<input type="checkbox" />',
                'username' => __( 'Name', 'dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor' ),
                'vendor_page_title' => __( 'Store Name', 'dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor' ),
                'email' => __( 'Email', 'dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor' ),
                'registered' => __( 'Registered', 'dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor' ),
                'products' => __( 'Products', 'dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor' ),
                'status' => __( 'Status', 'dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor' ),
            return $columns;
    //inserting corresponding data
    function vendor_data($user){
        $user = array(
                        'ID' => $user['ID'],
                        'name' => $user['name'],
                        'vendor_page_title'=> sprintf('<a href="%1$s">' . $user['username']. '</a>', admin_url('edit.php?post_type=product&dc_vendor_shop=' . $user['username'])),
                        'email' => $user['email'],
                        'registered' => get_date_from_gmt( $user['registered'] ),
                        'products' => $user['products'],
                        'status' => $user['status'],
                        'permalink' => $user['permalink'],
                        'username' => $user['name']
        return $user;
    in reply to: Vendorlist by Cities #95818

    @Veedel, sharing an ETA will be difficult, as this is still in development. We will be adding new search query as well as new template too.

    in reply to: Membership questions #95745

    @chris sands, I have forwarded this to our team.

    Once I have an update, will let you know.

    in reply to: Membership questions #95575

    @chris sands, under personal you can see the Username.
    But under “Store” you can see the store name :

    in reply to: Vendorlist by Cities #95217

    @Veedel, in our next update (which will have enhanced vendor list module) we will display vendor’s location that is nearest to the admin, by default.

    Currently, the customer needs to provide their location, and the vendor nearest to their location will be displayed.

    in reply to: Vendorlist by Cities #95026
    in reply to: Membership questions #94990

    @chris sands, We will definitely look into your suggestion when we will be working on this.

    For the recurring and initial part, PayPal will only deduct the initial payment. As per the recurring schedule.
    But stripe will deduct both initial and recurring amount.

    Let us know if you have any further query.

    in reply to: Vendorlist by Cities #94960

    Hi Manuel, we have prepared this doc for the vendor list enhancement :–gzC60gaGmKFYYFelkWM49w/edit?usp=sharing

    Feel free to comment on this.

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