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Free shipping shipping option not working

MultivendorX Pro

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  • Author
    • #220296
      Zia Rahim

      Free shipping no longer works as a shipping option.

      How to repeat the steps.

      1. Enable free shipping in woocommerce (core feature)
      2. Go to shipping zones and add vendor shipping for united kingdom.
      3. Create or edit an existing vendor and under vendor shipping add united kingdom.
      4. Then add the free shipping option either as minimum spend or zero.
      5. Then go to the vendor product and you will see that free shipping is not longer appearing as an option.

      I have the latest update of your plugin and for woocommerce.

    • #220300

      Hello @Zia Rahim, Thanks for getting in touch with us.

      We have checked your defined flow on our end but did not face any such issue with free shipping as mentioned by you. Kindly check the screenshots here –,,–6lteVc49,

      Now as you are facing issue on your end with the free shipping option please deactivate all plugins except WooCommerce, MultiVendorX and MultiVendorX Pro and also switch to some default theme such as twenty twenty four or storefront and check the same flow again.

      If still the issue persists, do create a staging site where the issue is replicated and share the staging site url, tempoaray admin and FTP access with us so that we can check the same on your end and help you accirdingly.

      Also while sharing the access don’t forget to mark your reply as private.

    • #220399
      Zia Rahim
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #220405

      @Zia Rahim, We are unable to log in to your site as it is asking for a verification code( Please configure the staging environment to allow us access, so we can assist you further.

    • #220414
      Zia Rahim

      My apologies, please give me an email address that you can access.

      I will add that and resend the login details.

    • #220415

      @Zia Rahim, Kindly share the access to Also please share the FTP details for your site and allow us to deactivate the plugins and themes on your end so that we can check all the issues on your end accordingy.

    • #220424
      Zia Rahim
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #220428
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #220584
      Zia Rahim
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #220585

      Hello There, Thanks for sharing the access details with us. Our replies are inline –
      For the issues with number 1, 3, 4 we need to check these by going to the MultiVendorX submenus. But currently we are facing an “Allowed memory size” issue while trying to access the submenus.
      So kindly provide us with the FTP access details of your shared site so that we can first add fix for the “Allowed memory size” and then check the other issues accordingly on your end.
      2. Cannot unassign a vendor from a product (

      >>We have deactivated all plugins except WooCommerce, MultiVendorX, MultiVendorX Pro on your site and also switched to default twenty twenty four theme but did not face any issue while unassigning a vendor from a product. Kindly check the video here

      5. Cannot update plugin automatically (
      >>You can simply follow this doc here for fixing the cURL error.

      Hope to hear back from you soon.

    • #220586
      Zia Rahim
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #220587
      Zia Rahim
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #220589

      Hello There,Thank you for sharing the FTP access details with us. Our team will first address the “Allowed memory size” issue on your end and then proceed to look into the other issues.

      Kindly provide us with some time to look into all these on your end.

      We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

    • #220597
      Zia Rahim


      I need the free shipping issue resolved first.

      If you cannot access the multi vendor x menu then i will upgrade the server to deal with it temporarily.

    • #220598


      It would be very helpful if you could temporarily increase the memory size. This will allow us to check the other issues on your end first.

      Once the memory size has been increased, please let us know so we can proceed with investigating the other issues.

      Thank you.

    • #220599
      Zia Rahim

      Hi Sangita

      The memory size has been increased from 16gb to 32gb. It should definitely work now.

      Once the free shipping issue is resolved you can look at the memory issue.

    • #220610

      Hello @Zia Rahim,Thank you for your cooperation. Unfortunately, we are still unable to access the MultiVendorX submenus on your shared site.

      However, we have rechecked the free shipping issue based on your described flow. We found that adding free shipping to vendors from the admin end does not reflect at checkout. Conversely, adding it from the vendor dashboard works correctly at checkout. I have informed the development team about this, and they are working on a solution.

      Please allow us some time to resolve this issue.

      Thanks again for your understanding.

    • #220619
      Zia Rahim

      Hi Sangita

      Thanks for the update, I have resolved the memory issue now. Please try again.

      Looking forward to hearing from you about the shipping since it must also be affecting your other customers but they haven’t realised yet.

    • #220621

      @Zia Rahim, Thank you for your assistance.

      We will provide you with a solution as soon as we have a fix for the issue with free shipping.

      Thanks again for your understanding.

    • #220673
      Zia Rahim

      Hi Sangita, can I please get an ETA on when the free shipping issue will be resolved, its causing us a lot of distruption and we are losing sales on our website.

    • #220677

      @Zia Rahim,We sincerely apologize for the delay. Our development team is actively working on a fix for the issue. As soon as the fix is implemented, we will provide it to you.

      Thank you very much for your cooperation and understanding so far.

    • #220682
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #220690
      Zia Rahim

      Thank you Sangita, I can confirm this fix is now working. I will ask my team to check it further to see if everything is okay.

      If you can now move onto the other fixes, thank you!

    • #220691

      Thanks for your confirmation. We will add the same fix on our next update as well.

      Regarding the other issues, kindly provide us time to check those and we will get back to you accordingly.

    • #220866
      Zia Rahim

      Hi Sangita

      Its been almost a week now. Can I please get an update. Its really expensive for us to run a duplicate of our sever with the sole purpose for your team to fix issues with your plugin.

    • #220872

      Hello @Zia Rahim, Thanks for all your cooperation thus far. However, our replies are inline with your queries
      1. This current issue related to the free shipping option (this thread)
      >>We have already provided you with the fix for the issue and also added the same in our latest MultiVendorX update. So kindly update the MultiVendorX plugin to the latest version and check the same on your end.

      2. Cannot unassign a vendor from a product (
      >>We have deactivated all plugins except WooCommerce, MultiVendorX, MultiVendorX Pro on your site and also switched to default twenty twenty four theme but did not face any issue while unassigning a vendor from a product. Kindly check the video here

      3. Comission set to zero but charging 100 (
      >>I just added the code given here on your shared site and the commission is coming as 0 for the COD option.

      You can check the same in your shared site.

      4. High memory usage (
      >>We checked the vendor dashboard with the default plugin and themes activated and the memory usage is showing as 79.9MB. So it might happen that some other plugin or the theme is causing the high memory usage issue.
      So kindly go through the doc here to fix the issue with high memory usage

      5. Cannot update plugin automatically (
      >>You can simply follow this doc here for fixing the cURL error.
      Let us know if you need any further assistance from our end.

    • #222433

      It’s been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your queries are resolved now. We are closing this thread as of now. If you need help or face issue in future please do create a new support ticket.

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