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  • in reply to: Limiting checkout to 1 vendor #133649

    Hi Kevin, thanks for getting in touch with us.

    In order to allow users to add from one vendor only please add this code in the function.php of the theme :

    function woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation($passed, $product_id, $quantity){
    foreach (WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_key => $cart_item ){
    $cart_vendor = get_wcmp_product_vendors($cart_item[‘product_id’]);
    $product_vendor = get_wcmp_product_vendors($product_id);
    if($cart_vendor && $product_vendor){
    if($cart_vendor->id != $product_vendor->id){
    $passed = false;
    wc_add_notice( __( ‘Another vendor product is already in your cart.’, ‘woocommerce’ ), ‘error’ );
    return $passed;
    return $passed;

    in reply to: email address not displaying as a link on frontend pages #133648

    @luanne, we are sorry for the confusion, but can you please explain the flow regarding when a user will click on the email address, what will happen?

    Hi Michael, our replies are inline :

    – How does one know if the connection is actually made? Does the “Connect with Stripe” button get replaced with a connection status?

    >> Yes, if a vendor is connected with stripe, we display a button called “Disconnect stripe”.

    – I set up the Admin as our main Stripe account and tried to connect as a vendor using another of ours, which was selectable from Stripe’s connection window.
    >> this should not create any such issue.
    However just to be sure, please do create another stripe sandbox account and check.
    if the issue still there, please do create a staging site and share the admin, ftp access so we can check.

    While sharing the access don’t forget to mark the response as private.

    – “WC Marketplace is also not compatible with core concept of multisite” when the “core concept” you’re referring to isn’t even a real thing. It’s confusing to say so, as it implies that there’s some higher level of Multisite compatibility that you’re intentionally not meeting, which does not seem to be the case.

    >> Sorry for the confusion.
    By core flow, we meant that we handle commission in each site separately.
    That means Each store will be independent of the other. Order and corresponding commission will not be synced in the main site.

    in reply to: Assign to Specific products #133605

    Hi Cristina, sorry for the delayed response.

    Please do download the temporary fix from here :
    After that unzip the plugin and rename this plugin woocommerce-catalog-enquiry
    Then activate the plugin and use this.

    @Kyriakos, I understand your end.

    But in our last update we haven’t modified any Product related capabilities, you can check the same here

    So we need to check what else has changed in your site. It would be really helpful if you can create a staging site and share the admin, FTP access of that site.
    p.s. we are available between 11 am IST to 5 pm IST

    in reply to: All plugins not working correctly. #133583

    Hi @Jessica Moody, sorry to hear that you have faced this issue.

    This is very unlikely that the pages are not created or any issues you are facing.

    Can you please explain what are the issues so we can assist you accordingly?

    in reply to: Vendor Commission Difference #133542

    @print88, Sorry for the confusion.

    Our developer doubled checked this, seems like there should be an issue. So can you please share temporary admin access so we can check.

    While sharing access, don’t forget to mark the response as private.

    in reply to: GTIN on variations #133534

    Yes, we will add this support in our version 4.0.2

    in reply to: email address not displaying as a link on frontend pages #133501

    May I know what will be the work of that link?

    in reply to: Assign to Specific products #133500

    We will release an update for Catalog Plugin, there you will have a choice to display the catalog button only for the Our Of Stock products.
    So you can make these 10 products Out of stock.
    Hopefully, in the next week, we can release this update.

    in reply to: Integration with third party #133498

    Hi @WLS, our replies are inline :
    1) Mautic.
    I know YITH Multivendor Plugin, one of your competitors, has this plugin which allows integration, so I was wondering if/what plugin you recommend to integrate WCMP with Mautic.

    >> I am sorry but we don’t have such integration yet,

    However using our API doc you can do custom code and add this support. Here our API doc :

    2) Multicurrency.
    We would like to allow Vendors to choose their own currency and the price on the frontend is publish on that very same currency (similarly to what Ebay does).
    What solution have you got and what third party integration would you recommend?
    >> You may use third party compatible plugin for this called SCD currency switcher :
    Please note, we haven’t tested such compatibility on our end.

    in reply to: Fatal error in adding a new product #133496

    @René Mirck, sorry for the miscommunictaion.

    We will work on this, kindly provide our developer some time.

    in reply to: Vendor Commission Difference #133495

    Sorry for the delayed response.

    We have faced the issue too, we will fix this issue as an urgent priority

    Michael, regarding multisite network, let me explain the flow :
    Like WooCommerce, WC Marketplace is also not compatible with core concept of multisite. This means, when you install and activate the WC Marketplace plugin, it will be activated on all sites, and there will be an option to create a store, set up products for each site on the multisite, individually. Each store will be independent of the other.

    So, say I have 3 sites in a multisite- Blue, Orange and Purple (with Purple being the main site). When I install and activate WC Marketplace on Purple, it will be activated on Blue and Orange as well. When I add products on Purple, or update some settings the changes will not be reflected on Blue or Orange, by default.

    Now, the issue you are facing should not be related multisite. Can you please enable debug mode and see what error you are getting in the vendor’s stripe connect page?
    Please do keep us posted.

    Alternatively, create a staging site and share the admin, FTP access so we can check. While sharing the access don’t forget to mark the response as private.

    in reply to: email address not displaying as a link on frontend pages #133342

    Hi @luanne, thanks for getting in touch with us.

    Can you please share some videos to explain the issue, so we can assist you accordingly?

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