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  • in reply to: Allow pending vendors to use vendor dashboard #135486


    Is there potentially another solution to solve my problem?

    Essentially, we just want a way of putting vendors live on the website after they have uploaded a banner, email address, postcode, town, profile picture and have uploaded at least 1-2 products.

    If WCMp have faced this problem before, maybe there is a better solution than allowing pending vendors to use the vendor dashboard.

    in reply to: Allow pending vendors to use vendor dashboard #135066

    How should they contact you, via this thread?

    in reply to: Allow pending vendors to use vendor dashboard #135050

    OK thanks for the explanation. Are you able to speak to my developer about the custom code as Abhirup mentioned?

    in reply to: Allow pending vendors to use vendor dashboard #135023


    Yes – I have a developer. But if it’s just css that that sounds quite simple to add into the child theme? Is there a CSS snippet?

    Or, if you need to speak with our developer, we can arrange a call or should we use email?



    Thanks for the code. I just adding this but when testing it, it didn’t work. I’ve added a screenshot showing that I managed to submit a product through the dashboard with no short description or price.


    Just to clarify, I’m referring to when vendors add new products through the vendor dashboard. It would be cool to show an error message on the vendor dashboard when a vendor tries to add a product without a short description.

    in reply to: Show the order delivery date on the vendor dashboard #133424

    Hi Tithi, thanks for your response. The link you sent is for allowing the vendor to show a delivery date for a PRODUCT on the dashboard. I would like to display the delivery time for an ORDER on the dashboard.

    The plugin I’m using already stores the delivery date as meta data on the order. Therefore, I have been able to show this delivery date on WCMp vendor emails already, so I think it should be possible to display the date on the dashboard as well.

    For example, on the vendor-new-order.php email template, I added the following code:

    $parent_order_id = $order->get_parent_id();
    $delivery_date = $parent_order_id ? get_post_meta($parent_order_id, ‘jckwds_date’, true ) : $order->get_meta(‘jckwds_date’);
    <p><?php printf(esc_html__(‘Your shop has received a new order through the Hi Street website and is now %s. We will collect the order from your shop on %s. The order is shown below:’, ‘dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor’), $order->get_status( ‘edit’ ), $delivery_date ); ?></p>

    As you can see, the middle sentence says ‘We will collect the order from your shop on <delivery_date>’, and it displays the actual order delivery date set by the delivery date plugin. As it was easy to show the delivery date on this WCMp email template, I hope that it would be possible to display on the vendor dashboard as well?

    Thank you!


    Hey, I don’t have a custom developer at the moment, but I’m not sure I’ve explained my situation clearly.

    ‘But now that you need conditional checking i.e. if the coupon discount is larger than the admin fees, the coupon discount is also applied to the vendor commission.’
    – no, if the coupon discount is larger than admin fees, the coupon discount should NOT be applied to vendor commission. Instead, the vendor should receive the full amount they would expect without any coupons applied. Does that make sense?


    Hey there, just checking this is being looked at, thanks!

    in reply to: Only have direct charges for some vendors #132891

    Hey, thanks for the advice, but I’m still a bit confused. I’ll give more context.

    I have 40 vendors and currently full payment goes to admin for all vendors. Stripe Connect is not set up so I use ‘Separate Charges and Transfers’ at WCMp > Settings > Payment > Stripe Gateway page under ‘Stripe Charges’

    Going forward, I want to pay 5 of my 40 vendors with Stripe. For the other 35 vendors, I want to continue with full payment going to admin. This is because only 5 of my vendors have Stripe accounts.

    Can I just connect Stripe accounts for these 5 vendors, and then change the payment mode in WCMp > Vendors to Stripe for these 5 vendors?

    And for the 35 vendors where I want to continue full payment going to admin, can I avoid having to connect these vendors to Stripe accounts, and just set the payment mode to Direct Bank via WCMp > Vendors? Or as you suggest, could I just change admin commission to 100%?

    And then finally, at WCMp > Settings > Payment > Stripe Gateway page under ‘Stripe Charges’ I would change ‘Separate Charges and Transfers’ to ‘Direct charges’.

    Would this process work? All I’m trying to do is pay 5 vendors with stripe and 35 vendors with normal bank transfer.

    in reply to: Only have direct charges for some vendors #132831

    Do you know if it’s possible to use the admin’s Stripe Connect account for vendors where I want the full payment including vendor commission to go to admin? That way I can change to direct charges, but still send the the vendor commission to admin for some vendors.

    And sorry one more question, if I go to WCMP > Vendors and view a vendor, on the ‘Payment’ tab I can change the Stripe Payment method to ‘Stripe Connect’. What happens if I change a vendor’s payment method to ‘Stripe Connect’ on the vendor page via WCMP > Vendors, but still have ‘Separate Charges and Transfers’ selected on the WCMP > Settings > Payment > Stripe Gateway page?

    I’m not sure what changing a vendor’s payment method to ‘Stripe Connect’ on the vendor page via WCMP > Vendors actually does?


    in reply to: Send Order Cancelled Email to Vendor #132387

    Thank you so much Ritik and Tithi!

    in reply to: Send Order Cancelled Email to Vendor #132382

    Thanks Ritik, yes this works, thanks so much.

    Is there a way to send different emails to customers and vendors when the order is cancelled? Currently the emails are identical which means the email copy doesn’t make much sense to customers. I assume the only way to do this is to create a new template?

    in reply to: Send Order Cancelled Email to Vendor #132334

    Hi @Tithi, the support forum won’t let me create another ticket with a similar topic title. Can this issue be resolved in this ticket (as it was the original topic)?

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Send Order Cancelled Email to Vendor #132311

    Here is the code I put into functions.php copied from this ticket

    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_email_recipient_cancelled_order’,’send_custom_email_notifications’,10,2);
    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_email_recipient_failed_order’,’send_custom_email_notifications’,10,2);
    function send_custom_email_notifications( $recipient, $object ){
    $vendor_term = get_vendor_from_an_order($object);
    $vendor_email = array();
    foreach ($vendor_term as $key => $value) {
    $vendor_setails = get_wcmp_vendor_by_term($value);
    $vendor_email[] = $vendor_setails->user_data->data->user_email;
    $vendor_email_convert = implode(” , “,$vendor_email);
    $customer_email = $object->get_billing_email();
    $recipient .= ‘, ‘ . $vendor_email_convert.’, ‘ . $customer_email;
    return $recipient;

    When I add this code, I can only see two emails on the WooCommerce > Settings > Emails page. I’ve attached a screenshot that shows that I only see two emails and that there has been a critical error on the website.

    When I don’t add this code, I can see all my emails showing correctly. I’ve attached a second screenshot showing this.

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