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  • in reply to: Show vendor’s shipping rates at a product page. #216082

    @Maxim Zhiltsov Certainly, You can implement the same flow for shipping tab in the single product page with MultiVendorX as well.
    To add shipping functionality under the Add to cart button (like this you can use the below hook


    For adding a new tab of shipping ( you need to use the below filter


    For fetching vendor added shipping rates you need to use the below function


    Let us know if you need any further assistance.

    in reply to: Styling the vendor store setup #216079

    @Sergio Wong Chung, Our team conducted a comprehensive examination of the vendor set-up wizard’s styling issue using your custom CSS file. This css working fine on our end.
    However for your site, it appears that your server is imposing restrictions, preventing the site from accessing the custom style.css file as called through the specified code path.
    Upon attempting to access the custom style.css file through a direct file link, we encountered a blank page, indicating a potential permission issue originating from the server. We recommend reaching out to your server team to address this matter. Please share these findings with them, as they will be able to assist you accordingly on this.

    in reply to: Vendor Logo #216077

    Its been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your query is resolved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please create a new support topic.

    in reply to: Vendor Dashboard not displaying #216075

    Its been long amd we have not heard back from you. We presume your query is resolved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please open a new support topic.

    in reply to: PDF invoices on multivendorX not working as they should #216060

    Our team is looking into the issue. Kindly give us some time.
    Thanks for your cooperation.

    in reply to: Appointment Product #216053

    Sorry to hear that you have faced an issue on your end.
    We have checked the flow on our end but did not face any issue while the user is trying to select a date Check the video here:
    Kindly check again carefully on your end the flow for appointment. If you need help please follow our doc here
    If you still face the issue kindly create an appointment from the admin end and check if there also you face the same issue.
    Please do keep us posted regarding the same.

    in reply to: Styling the PDF invoice and packingslip #216051

    @Sergio Wong Chung you can surely style the template files as per your choice. For that you just need to go to mvx-pro/modules/invoice/template. From here choose the template in which you want to add custom styling then just add the custom styling by overriding the template file.
    For example, to override the template 1 you need to follow the below overriding path in your theme –
    yourtheme/mvx-pro/invoice/mvx_pdf_invoice_first_template.php and apply the modifications here.
    Let us know if you need any further assistance.

    Hello @Maxim Zhiltsov, In the vendor setup wizard, we provide essential options that are mandatory for a vendor to set up for running a store successfully.
    However, for shipping generally the admin decides whether to handle shipping configurations personally or provide vendors with the option to configure shipping individually from their end. That’s why this is not a a mandatory option for all sites.
    To implement the specific workflow you’re seeking, you will need to add custom code on your end. Currently we do not have any readymade code for this modification. If you have a developer let us know we will assist you with the required hooks/filters.

    in reply to: Order of shipping vendor shipping methods not changing #216031

    @Sergio Wong Chung I sincerely apologize for the delay in addressing your concern. Our team has been actively engaged in resolving some significant issues over the past week, and unfortunately, it has caused a delay in implementing the fix for your specific issue.
    Once we have completed the ongoing fixes and released the subsequent updates, we will prioritize addressing the problem you’ve reported.
    Thank you for your continued understanding.

    in reply to: PDF invoices on multivendorX not working as they should #216020

    Hi @Sergio Wong Chung, , The flow you are looking for can be achieved by our Invoice & packing slip module only. You do not need any additional plugin for that on your end.
    You just need to go to the admin Dashboard >> MultiVendorX >> Settings >> Invoice, here under Customer invoice template settings in the “Choose Order Types for Customer Invoice Access” option you need to choose Main order invoice ( .
    We have added a test admin product on your site( and the vendor(test_vendor) has placed an order for that admin product and the invoice is there in the My account page of the vendor (
    Now the PDFs are not getting attached to customer emails because you haven’t configured the setting for that. You just need to go to admin dashboard >> MultiVendorX >> Settings >> Invoice, here under Customer template settings section you need to configure the “Attach invoice to customer email”( settings accordingly.
    Kindly do all the configuration of the Invoice & Packing slip module following our knowledgebase doc here
    Let us know if you need any further assistance.

    in reply to: Styling the vendor store setup #216015

    @Sergio Wong Chung Our team has checked this on your end and they added a modification in your custom style.css file that got reflected on the vendor store set up. That means that the added path in the code is working properly.
    Now It may happen that the CSS that you are adding on your end is not correct, that is why also the changes are not getting reflected when that folder is getting called.
    So kindly check your custom css again carefully. If you need any further help, please do let us know.

    in reply to: Refund #216013

    Hello @Jeff Michel, You did not cancel the subscription from your end that is why the renewal was charged.

    Could please share why you are not using the MutiVendorX and MultiVendorX Pro anymore. If there are some issues that you are facing on your end with our plugin kindly let us know. We will surely assist you to resolve those.

    However, for any refund related queries reach out to our refund team. But please do look into the terms & conditions to check your eligibility :

    in reply to: Assigning a commission to a specific user role #216011

    Its been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your query is resolved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please create a new support topic.

    Not to worry. We will add the same fix in our next update.

    in reply to: PDF invoices on multivendorX not working as they should #215984
    This reply has been marked as private.
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