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  • in reply to: Default Date Range In Orders Not Working Recently #194407

    Hello @Chris
    You need to override the vendor-orders.php template with this
    You need to follow the below path to override the template yourtheme/MultiVendorX/vendor-dashboard/vendor-orders.php
    Also add the below code in the functions.php file of your current active theme –

    add_filter('mvx_datatable_get_vendor_all_orders', 'default_load_order_table', 10, 3);
    function default_load_order_table($all_orders, $requestData, $method) {
        if ($method['submit_data'] != 1) {
            $start_date = date( 'Y-m-d', strtotime('-90 days')); 
            $end_date = date( 'Y-m-d');
            $vendor = get_current_vendor();
            $args = array(
                'author' => $vendor->id,
                'post_status' => 'any',
                'date_query' => array(
                        'after'     => $start_date,
                        'before'    => $end_date,
                        'inclusive' => true,
            $all_orders = mvx_get_orders($args);
            return $all_orders;
        } else {
            return $all_orders;
    in reply to: I can’t activate my license #194400

    You need to delete the API keys from here .
    Kindly delete the sites and then again follow the deactivation flow first and then activate it again.
    If you still face an issue, do share a temporary admin access, so we can activate the license.

    in reply to: registration forms #194394

    Add the below code in the style.css file of your current active theme –

    form.woocommerce-form {  
       background: #fff; 
    in reply to: I can’t activate my license #194367

    Carlos, you can delete any activated keys from here
    Please But please do follow the process of plugin deactivation first and then activate the keys.

    in reply to: Missing Essential Invoice Fields #194364

    Dhruv, To remove the withdrawable balance from the vendor dashboard you only have one solution which is to delete commissions from the database.
    Please share the cPanel access so we can check.

    in reply to: Live Chat Enquiries #194362

    @Chris, The chat flow for Messenger is totally controlled by Facebook itself.
    For detailed information on the flow you may go through this doc

    in reply to: registration forms #194360

    The code we have provided is for the vendor registration form.
    The link you have shared with us is of WooCommerce My account page. So we need to access the page on your end only after that we can provide you with the css. Currently the page is showing like this

    in reply to: Billind Address update in already issued invoice #194359

    Kindly send a mail to regarding this. They will do the needful to help you.

    in reply to: Default Date Range In Orders Not Working Recently #194358

    @Chris Our team is checking the issue. Kindly provide them some time.

    in reply to: I can’t activate my license #194357

    We have removed the API from our end. If you still get issue with activating the license then you follow the above mentioned steps.

    in reply to: I can’t activate my license #194348

    Kindly deactivate the MultiVendorX Pro plugin from the plugins section and activate it again. Then go to License submenu of MultiVendorX >> Deactivation >> uncheck the box >> click save changes.

    Then go to Activation >> put the API and Product ID correctly and click on save changes.

    If you need any further assistance please let us know.

    in reply to: RNB Quote Email System Issue #194339

    >We have already added the fix in our MultiVendorX Pro 1.0.9 update.
    Just to let you know, we have tried to add the following fixes –
    When a customer requests for a quote the admin and the customer receives emails regarding this but the vendor does not get any email regarding the request of the quote for his product.
    When the admin updates the status of the quote the customer gets emails regarding the update in status accordingly . But if the vendor updates the status of the quote the customer gets the same content in every mail . No mail is according to the status update.
    If the customer replies to a quote message for a product of a vendor, the admin gets mail regarding that but the vendor does not receive any mail.

    But it was not possible to add the 1st fix. So we have added a fix for no. 2 and no.3
    Kindly check and let us know.

    in reply to: help me #194338

    Let me assist you with the flow of Product advertisement.
    Once the admin enables the module and advertisement is added to a vendor product then that product will come on the top of that shop page on which the product was located.
    There should not be any issue with the seller shop’s header.
    Now as you are facing an issue on your end, kindly create a staging site and share the temporary access with us. Also share a video on how to recreate the issue on your end.

    in reply to: Adding Product Video for Vendors #194336

    Hello @Chris
    We are constantly reaching out to third party plugin teams to make their plugins compatible with MultiVendorX and give our users a better experience.
    But we are not getting the same support from the others and that is why the collaboration with third party plugins is taking extra time than expected.
    However it is good to hear that your issue is solved now. If you need help in future please create a new thread.

    in reply to: RnB Clear Dates Feature is Missing #194335

    @Chris Thank you very much for informing us about this. We will surely add this feature for rental products in our next update.

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