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Sangita Support Squad

Forum Replies Created

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  • Thanks for sharing the access with us.
    We have checked the issue on your end. There are some errors on your end –
    [27-Nov-2023 12:10:06 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘ik3uz_WP1008279.pd47_woocommerce_sessions’ doesn’t exist for query INSERT INTO pd47_woocommerce_sessions (session_key, session_value, session_expiry) VALUES (‘1’, ‘a:11:{s:4:\”cart\”;s:1357:\”a:1:{s:32:\”0517b2003839e5f08323433c4731b81f\”;a:36:{s:4:\”type\”;s:0:\”\”;s:11:\”frame_price\”;s:0:\”\”;s:9:\”lens-type\”;s:0:\”\”;s:15:\”lens-type-anshu\”;s:0:\”\”;s:17:\”right-sphere-cart\”;s:0:\”\”;s:14:\”enter-user-dob\”;s:0:\”\”;s:18:\”ninja_cust_insured\”;s:0:\”\”;s:22:\”ninja_insurance_number\”;s:0:\”\”;s:16:\”left-sphere-cart\”;s:0:\”\”;s:19:\”right-cylinder-cart\”;s:0:\”\”;s:18:\”left-cylinder-cart\”;s:0:\”\”;s:15:\”right-axis-cart\”;s:0:\”\”;s:14:\”left-axis-cart\”;s:0:\”\”;s:19:\”right-addition-cart\”;s:0:\”\”;s:18:\”left-addition-cart\”;s:0:\”\”;s:7:\”pd-cart\”;s:0:\”\”;s:13:\”right-pd-cart\”;s:0:\”\”;s:12:\”left-pd-cart\”;s:0:\”\”;s:18:\”prescription-image\”;s:0:\”\”;s:14:\”lens-thickness\”;s:0:\”\”;s:12:\”lens-coating\”;s:0:\”\”;s:5:\”color\”;s:0:\”\”;s:11:\”total_price\”;i:2500;s:7:\”deposit\”;a:7:{s:6:\”enable\”;s:2:\”no\”;s:7:\”deposit\”;d:2500;s:9:\”tax_total\”;d:0;s:3:\”tax\”;d:0;s:9:\”remaining\”;i:0;s:5:\”total\”;d:2500;s:16:\”payment_schedule\”;a:0:{}}s:3:\”key\”;s:32:\”0517b2003839e5f08323433c4731b81f\”;s:10:\”product_id\”;i:253094;s:12:\”variation_id\”;i:0;s:9:\”variation\”;a:0:{}s:8:\”quantity\”;i:1;s:9:\”data_hash\”;s:32:\”b5c1d5ca8bae6d4896cf1807cdf763f0\”;s:9:\”wholesale\”;a:3:{s:16:\”enable_wholesale\”;s:3:\”yes\”;s:5:\”price\”;d:2000;s:8:\”quantity\”;i:10;}s:13:\”line_tax_data\”;a:2:{s:8:\”subtotal\”;a:1:{i:2;d:0;}s:5:\”total\”;a:1:{i:2;d:0;}}s:13:\”line_subtotal\”;d:2500;s:17:\”line_subtotal_tax\”;d:0;s:10:\”line_total\”;d:2500;s:8:\”line_tax\”;d:0;}}\”;s:11:\”cart_totals\”;s:404:\”a:15:{s:8:\”subtotal\”;s:4:\”2500\”;s:12:\”subtotal_tax\”;d:0;s:14:\”shipping_total\”;s:1:\”0\”;s:12:\”shipping_tax\”;d:0;s:14:\”shipping_taxes\”;a:0:{}s:14:\”discount_total\”;d:0;s:12:\”discount_tax\”;d:0;s:19:\”cart_contents_total\”;s:4:\”2500\”;s:17:\”cart_contents_tax\”;d:0;s:19:\”cart_contents_taxes\”;a:1:{i:2;d:0;}s:9:\”fee_total\”;s:1:\”0\”;s:7:\”fee_tax\”;d:0;s:9:\”fee_taxes\”;a:0:{}s:5:\”total\”;s:4:\”2500\”;s:9:\”total_tax\”;d:0;}\”;s:15:\”applied_coupons\”;s:6:\”a:0:{}\”;s:22:\”coupon_discount_totals\”;s:6:\”a:0:{}\”;s:26:\”coupon_discount_tax_totals\”;s:6:\”a:0:{}\”;s:21:\”removed_cart_contents\”;s:6:\”a:0:{}\”;s:25:\”shipping_for_package_5998\”;s:92:\”a:2:{s:12:\”package_hash\”;s:40:\”wc_ship_ff621189f9d04f40b049571338afca76\”;s:5:\”rates\”;a:0:{}}\”;s:25:\”previous_shipping_methods\”;s:19:\”a:1:{i:5998;a:0:{}}\”;s:23:\”chosen_shipping_methods\”;s:17:\”a:1:{i:5998;b:0;}\”;s:22:\”shipping_method_counts\”;s:17:\”a:1:{i:5998;i:0;}\”;s:8:\”customer\”;s:898:\”a:27:{s:2:\”id\”;s:1:\”1\”;s:13:\”date_modified\”;s:25:\”2023-11-26T15:07:34+00:00\”;s:8:\”postcode\”;s:3:\”333\”;s:4:\”city\”;s:6:\”BASSAM\”;s:9:\”address_1\”;s:12:\”ok test test\”;s:7:\”address\”;s:12:\”ok test test\”;s:9:\”address_2\”;s:9:\”palmeraie\”;s:5:\”state\”;s:3:\”ABJ\”;s:7:\”country\”;s:2:\”CI\”;s:17:\”shipping_postcode\”;s:7:\”ABIDJAN\”;s:13:\”shipping_city\”;s:6:\”BASSAM\”;s:18:\”shipping_address_1\”;s:6:\”Cocody\”;s:16:\”shipping_address\”;s:6:\”Cocody\”;s:18:\”shipping_address_2\”;s:9:\”palmeraie\”;s:14:\”shipping_state\”;s:3:\”ABJ\”;s:16:\”shipping_country\”;s:2:\”CI\”;s:13:\”is_vat_exempt\”;s:0:\”\”;s:19:\”calculated_shipping\”;s:0:\”\”;s:10:\”first_name\”;s:5:\”test2\”;s:9:\”last_name\”;s:4:\”test\”;s:7:\”company\”;s:6:\”kevajo\”;s:5:\”phone\”;s:10:\”0709099518\”;s:5:\”email\”;s:14:\”\”;s:19:\”shipping_first_name\”;s:20:\”Alleby Royce Paterne\”;s:18:\”shipping_last_name\”;s:4:\”ASSI\”;s:16:\”shipping_company\”;s:6:\”KEVAJO\”;s:14:\”shipping_phone\”;s:0:\”\”;}\”;}’, 1701258710)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE session_value = VALUES(session_value), session_expiry = VALUES(session_expiry) made by shutdown_action_hook, do_action(‘shutdown’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, WC_Session_Handler->save_data
    WordPress database error Table ‘ik3uz_WP1008279.pd47_woocommerce_sessions’ doesn’t exist for query SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM pd47_woocommerce_sessions made by shutdown_action_hook, do_action(‘shutdown’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, WC_Session_Handler->save_data, WC_Session_Handler->delete_session
    And these are coming from your database, so kindly fix these errors on your database first and let us know as we are not facing any such issue on our end.

    in reply to: Store Tabs Content Issue #214407

    @Chris We have checked the vendor store page with elementor and the tab contents are coming accordingly on the store page. Kindly check the video here
    Kindly check carefully again on your end.

    in reply to: Vacation Module bug #214389

    @mealgetter.lft We have checked the configuration of the vacation module on our end but did not get any such bug mentioned by you. Kindly check the video here
    Kindly check again carefully on your end by deactivating all plugins except WooCommerce, MultiVendorX and MultiVendorX Pro. Also switch to some default theme such as twenty twenty three or Storefront. If you still face an issue please create a staging site that should be an exact replica of your live site and share the staging site url, temporary admin and ftp access with us.

    @kevajo Sorry to hear that you have faced issues on your end. Our replies are inline with your queries –
    –I can’t update Multivendor X Pro, when I do I get an error.
    >>We have logged into your site and have updated the MultiVendorX Pro. Just to let you know, in future if you face an issue to update the plugin from the plugins page, simply go to Dashboard>>Updates>>there you will find an option to update the plugin, from there you can simply update the plugin( .
    –I also can’t access the different tabs of MX, commissions, payments etc.
    >>IKindly share the FTP access of your test site too. So that we can help you to add a fix for the issue.
    –In the payment tab, when trying to view the payment receipt, there is an error.
    >>Sorry, but in MultiVendorX Payments tab there is no such option to view payment receipts ( So kindly let us know from where you are getting the option to view the payment receipt in the payment tab.

    in reply to: Better Messages Compatibility With MVX & Elementor #214386

    @Chris The team of Better Messages plugin confirmed us about the compatibility between MultiVendorX and their plugin.
    They have also shared this doc with us.
    So now if you are facing any issue regarding the integration of MultiVendorX and Better messages plugin then kindly reach out to the Better messages plugin team regarding this issue.

    in reply to: Error mvx_unable_to_create_customer #214343

    @MaxenceTP I have informed the dev team regarding this.They are looking into this issue. Kindly provide us some time.

    in reply to: vendor panel, dropdown, modifications #214333

    Its been long and we have not heard back from you. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please open a new support topic.

    in reply to: Suborder not automatically created #214331

    @mealgetter.lft Just to keep you posted, do not enable the WooCommerce HPOS option for now as we have not yet added compatibility for that on our end.
    Once we add support for HPOS we will keep you posted.

    Dear @embpri, I have shared this with our dev team and they are looking into the coding structure. If possible they will modify the code accordingly. You can keep track of the progress of the issue from here –

    @yasu We sincerely apologize for the delay. While implementing compatibility changes for WPML with MultiVendorX, our development team identified additional unknown issues. They are actively collaborating with the WPML team to address all these issues comprehensively, ensuring a seamless experience for you in the future.
    Due to these unforeseen challenges, it is taking us longer than anticipated to deliver the fix. We assure you that we will provide the updated plugin file containing fixes for all identified issues as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this process. We appreciate your patience

    in reply to: Suborder not automatically created #214316

    @mealgetter.lft It’s great to hear that your issues have been resolved. Thank you for being a valuable member of our MultiVendorX family.
    If you encounter any issues in future , please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re always here to assist you with any questions or concerns.
    It would be really great if you can give us 5/5 review here:
    This would motivate the team further to do their job more efficiently. Sorry to hear that you are still facing the issue on your end. Our team is looking into the issue. Kindly provide us a little time.

    in reply to: Subscriptions are not renewed #214265 Sorry to hear that you have faced an issue on your end.
    We have checked this on our end by keeping the MultiVendorX and MultiVendorX Pro deactivated, but still the error is coming.So it means the error you are getting on your end is coming from the WooCommerce subscriptions plugin. So kindly get in touch with the responsible plugin team regarding this.
    Also keep us posted regarding the same.

    in reply to: Again Translation Problems #214261

    @glander Sorry for the delay. Our team was occupied with some urgent modifications that is why this got a little delayed. Hopefully by next week we will be able to fix this issue with rental translation.

    We will keep you posted regarding the same.

    @embpri Our development team has thoroughly investigated this matter, and they’ve outlined the specified flow for CPG.
    In this context, the coding structure mandates selecting the Parent category first, followed by the Subcategory. Upon selection, you will be directed to the add product page, presenting the categories in a tree-like structure. That’s why you can’t change the category selection here.

    However, if this flow doesn’t align with your flow, you can easily opt for an alternative. By disabling the CPG option in the settings (, vendors will gain the flexibility to choose the category for their products directly on the add product page. If they select a subcategory, only that will be displayed as the product category on the frontend.

    If you need any further assistance from our end please let us know.

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