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  • Hi @print88, We are still not able to access the page of code snippets on your end. We are getting this while accessing the url.

    in reply to: Duplicate email sent #216739
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Vacation Module bug #216728

    It’s been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your issue is resolved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please create a new support ticket.

    @l.gan Sorry to hear that you have faced an issue on your end. But it is really difficult for our support team to check your custom code line by line.
    Our team predicted that you are getting the deprecated issue because of the following line in your code –

    /*$vendor = get_userdata(get_the_author_meta(‘ID’));

    We would suggest you replace the above line with the below one as the function has been updated from wordpress’s end. You can go through this doc to know why the function has been updated by WordPress –

    in reply to: Unpublish products when removing a vendor #216708

    Currently there is no such option to make vendor products drafts while deleting a vendor from the admin dashboard.

    But we will add this enhancement in our future update. You can keep track of the progress of the enhancement from here

    in reply to: MultivendorX Version 4.1.1 – Analytics no longer work #216702

    @Vincent Kindly create a staging site that should be an exact replica of your live site and share the staging site url, temporary admin and ftp access of your staging site so that we can check the issue on your end as we need to check the issue on your end by disabling plugin and theme.
    Also while sharing the access don’t forget to mark your reply as private.

    in reply to: order_comments are not included in the suborder #216696
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Stripe Error with pending vendors #216695

    @Nathan Wolhendler , We’ve examined the flow by placing an order with an incorrect CVV, resulting in an error message appearing during checkout (
    Let me explain the payment process: Users input their card details, which we then send to Stripe for verification. Stripe checks the accuracy of the data and processes the payment accordingly, finalizing the order. Therefore, it’s Stripe’s responsibility to validate the entered card details.
    However, since you’ve observed that orders are still being placed on your website despite providing an incorrect CVV, it indicates that your Stripe account may not be configured properly. Stripe has specific rules for verifying incorrect CVVs that need to be configured on the Stripe end. Please refer to this documentation here ( and adjust your Stripe account configuration accordingly.

    Furthermore, the process you’re mentioning where users will not become pending vendors after registering but not completing payment is invalid. Because without registering users as pending vendors, we wouldn’t have their data.
    Therefore, users who haven’t completed their payment but have registered via the vendor registration form should be classified as pending vendors. If you don’t want them, you can simply delete those pending vendors from the admin dashboard.

    in reply to: Unpublish products when removing a vendor #216694

    @Sergio Wong Chung we have a setting ( to let the vendor request for deactivation of their vendor profile( And after that if the admin accepts his request he can either make the products of that vendor as drafts or make those admin products( You can learn details of this flow from here
    So as per your requirement while deleting the vendors simply choose the option to make their products drafts.

    Let us know if you need any further assistance from our end.

    @print88 We are unable to access the link you provided for accessing the code snippet. We are getting this while trying to access the shared url:

    in reply to: Suborder not automatically created #216682

    Its been long and we have not heard back from you. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please create a new support ticket.

    @NoriiPop Marketplace Implementing your desired flow isn’t practical because a buyer can purchase products from various vendors within a single order, and each vendor may have different payment methods, such as one using Stripe and another using PayPal. This complexity makes it challenging to consolidate payments in the way you’ve suggested.
    That’s why we provided the earlier solution. By opting for the “all of above payment mode,” vendors are required to provide details for both PayPal and Stripe. This ensures a seamless transaction process, minimizing any potential issues that may arise from varied payment methods among vendors.

    Currently, there is no mechanism in place to enforce vendors to add details for both payment methods. However, in our upcoming update, we will be introducing a revised flow that includes checks to ensure vendors provide details for both payment methods.

    in reply to: Stripe Error with pending vendors #216668

    @Nathan Wolhendler Thanks for your cooperation so far.
    Our team conducted a comprehensive examination of the membership registration process and identified an issue. Previously, when a user registered through the MultiVendorX registration form with a membership plan, regardless of the settings in the “Approve vendor” option (, they were being registered as a vendor on the site even if the payment was not made or unsuccessful.
    To address this, we have updated the flow. Now, when a user registers with a membership plan, their user role will be set as “pending vendor” until they complete the payment. Only after a successful payment will they be designated as a vendor on the website.

    You can check the same by downloading the fixed plugin from here – and let us know whether everything works fine on your end.

    Thanks for the update. We checked your site but there is no code added in the functions.php file of your current active theme ( Can you please let us know where have you added the code on your end.

    @NoriiPop Marketplace Kindly understand that as you are using both Stripe marketplace and paypal marketplace plugin on your end hence there is only one solution for the vendors that is to choose the “All of above payment mode” option. Otherwise issues will arise in the cart and checkout.
    To address this, we recommend notifying your current vendors through an announcement to choose the “All of above payment mode” option in the billing submenu and connect both paypal and stripe accordingly. This ensures a seamless payment process and avoids potential complications in the cart and checkout page.
    After our update with the modification stated above there will not be any confusion among users as We will adjust the flow so that when both the PayPal and Stripe marketplace modules are enabled, vendors will only have the option to choose “All of above payment mode”.

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