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Coupon Management

Table of Contents

Brief Introduction #

There are multiple reasons to have an efficient coupon management system but one priority reason is that it draws in customers. Allowing vendors to create coupons will give them a chance to invite new customers when introducing new product lines and even keep old customers engaged. With MultiVendorX, you get a coupon management system that lets vendors create new coupons, edit and manage old coupons and keeps track of all coupons created by them.

Overview #

  • Provide the vendor with coupon management options
  • Lets vendors create coupons with an automated coupon generator
  • Give vendors the option to edit previous coupons
  • Keep a list of all created coupons to track them

Coupon Management Setup #

Most of the coupon management settings include what capabilities you want to provide the vendors so that they can create amazing coupons. Coupon management is part of the core configurations so there are module settings to take care of so without further ado let’s dive in.

Setting Coupon Management Capabilities #

As explained previously, to let vendors create their coupon codes by themselves you need to give them certain options. Continue reading to find out these options.

  • First things first, let’s get to the coupon management page. To do so, go to your admin dashboard and then navigate to the MultiVendorX plugin.
  • As you hover your cursor over the plugin the menu list appears, select the Settings option from the list.
  • Once you arrive at the Settings page, go to the Product Capability Tab. Under the product capability tab, you will find three coupon-related options. Each of these options will assist the vendor in creating coupons.
    • Submit Coupons – This is the key setting that provides the vendor with a coupon option. In case this option is disabled, vendors will not have the coupon option available on the dashboard.
    • Publish Coupons – A vital option in the coupon management process. Lets vendor publish their coupon directly. However, if this option is disabled created coupons would be sent to your taskboard for review.
    • Edit Coupons – Having this option enabled would allow vendors to edit old coupons and use them afresh. This would save them time and the hassle of creating new coupons.
  • There you have it. With these three settings taken care of your part of the vendor management is mostly done.
Reference 1: Coupon Management Capabilities

Coupon Payment Management #

Now that you have provided the vendor with the capabilities required to make their own coupons. Let’s take a glance at what the disbursement method would be if vendors create their coupons. To do let’s move on to the coupon disbursement process.

  • Now that you are on the Settings page, simply navigate to the Disbursement tab. Once you are on the disbursement tab the first two settings take care of coupons.
  • The first setting is Who will bear the Coupon Cost. Enabling this option would allow the discount charges to be deducted from the vendor’s commission.
  • The second option is Exclude Admin Created Coupons. This option is only applicable if the first option is enabled. This mostly means that if any coupon is created by you while the first option is applicable, then the discount amount would be deducted from your commission.
  • Once these two configurations are complete. Your share of coupon management is truly done.
Reference 2: Manage your disbursement plan

In case Who will bear the Coupon Cost is unchecked: you have chosen NOT to share the cost of the coupon, the vendor will then receive $70, and you will get $10, as the $20 discount will be deducted from your share (Customer pays 100-20% i.e $80. Vendor receives 70% of 100 i.e. $70, you receive 30-20 i.e 10$).
In case Who will bear the Coupon Cost is checked: you have chosen to share the cost of the coupon, the corresponding calculation will be as follows: Customer pays $80 after deducting the discount, the vendor will get 70% of $80, that is $56 and you get the rest $24.

Create Coupons #

Now that your share of coupon management is done, let’s learn more about how vendors can add coupons from their dashboards.
  • The first thing as always is to go to the store dashboard. From the store dashboard, the vendor has to navigate to the Coupons option present on the left-hand side of the dashboard menu.
  • To add a new coupon, vendors have to select the Add Coupon option available in the Coupons menu
  • Once the Add Coupon option is selected the vendor would get transported to the Coupon Details page. The relevant coupon details a vendor must add are :
    • Coupon Code – The coupon code refers to the alphanumeric codes that customers enter during the checkout process. You can either create your own coupon code or generate one as shown in the Video
    • Coupon Description – This section is optional you can either skip it or add details of the function of the coupon.
    • Coupon Data Metabox – This is where the actual coupon configuration takes place. The coupon settings that a vendor must configure are divided into three tabs. We shall be taking a look at each tab individually.
  • The General Tab – Settings under this tab, are mainly focused on the basic details of the coupons. These details include –
    • Discount Type – Calculations regarding discounts are based on the discount type chosen by the vendor.
    • Coupon Amount – Refers to the numerical value of the coupon. The coupon amount would be deducted from the actual price of the product.
    • Allow Free Shipping – Enabling this option would allow the customers to avail of the free shipping options. This option is only applicable if the Free Shipping option is configured by you.
    • Coupon Expiry Date – This option lets vendors set a time limit for coupon usage.
  • The Usage Restriction Tab – This tab mostly deals with the various restrictions associated with the usage of the coupon.
    • Minimum Spend: The minimum amount a customer can spend before he can use the coupon.
    • Maximum Spend: The maximum amount a customer can spend after which the coupon becomes invalid
    • Individual use-only option: Ticking this option will stop the customer from using this coupon with other coupons
    • Exclude sale items option: Ticking this option will stop the customer from using this coupon on a discounted sale item
    • Products: Select the product name by hovering your arrow on this field on which the coupon can be applied 
    • Exclude Products: select the product name by hovering your arrow on this field on which the coupon can not be applied
    • Product categories: Product categories that the coupon will be applied to.
    • Exclude categories: Product categories that the coupon will not be applied to
    • Allowed Emails – This does not send the coupon to the account of the customers added in this section.
  • The Usage Limitation Tab – This tab is mostly concerned with the various limitation set by the vendor must set regarding the usage of the coupon. Let’s take a look at what limitations a vendor can set.
    • Usage limit per coupon – Accounts for the number of times a coupon can be used.
    • Limit usage to X items – Refers to the number of items the coupon discount covers.
    • Usage limit per user – Indicates the number of times a coupon can be used.
  • Once all details are added the vendor can either publish the coupon directly for customer use or send it to you for review.

Coupon List #

The coupon list keeps a record of all coupons added by the vendor. This makes the management process easy, as vendors can use old coupons as references. the following headers are used to track coupons:

  • Coupon(s) This is the coupon title given by the vendor
  • Coupon Type: the type of discount offered on a product or products i.e fixed product or percentage discount etc
  • Coupon Amount: the coupon amount being offered.
  • Usage/ Limit: The number of times the coupon can be used.
  • Expiry Date: the last date till which the coupon is applicable.
  • Actions: Vendors can take actions like editing the coupon or viewing it on the shop page

With this, we come to the end of our tutorial. I hope this motivates you to create new coupons.

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