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Get Started

Eager to get started? So are we. You can set up your marketplace with MultiVendorX in less than five minutes with our very helpful MVX Admin Setup Wizard. Or, you can configure more advanced features by going to the MultiVendorX settings submenu. So without further ado, let’s get started on the setup process.

MultiVendorX Settings  #

In case you have chosen to skip the MultiVendorX Admin Setup Wizard or wish to configure more advanced settings, go to the Admin dashboard. Navigate to the MultiVendorX menu, and then choose the Settings submenu.

Once the Settings page loads, you will uncover options that will elevate your ordinary marketplace into something special. 

General Tab #

The first group of settings you will need to configure would be present in the General tab. Here the options present are required for the basic running of a marketplace. Read on to see what these options are and how they will help you. 

General Section #

  1. Approve Vendors: Keep control of who you allow into your marketplace by approving vendors manually. This way you can screen out spammers and allow genuine vendors to sell on your site. You can learn more about this option if you read more.
  2. Vendor’s Backend Access: You can stop your vendors from accessing the backend and do everything from the front end itself. This will allow for an uninterrupted smooth flow. The option, to disallow vendors wp-admin access,  is disabled by default but you can avail of it by installing our MultiVendorX Pro
  3. Display Product Seller: Enabling this option will let customers see the name of the vendor selling the product present below the product. This will also display a notice to customers when they are buying from Multiple Vendors: “The products in your cart are sold by multiple vendors. The order will be placed simulteneously with all vendors and you will receive a package from each of them.”
  4. Category Pyramid Guide (CPG): CPG option helps sellers identify the correct categories for their products. 
  5. Customer Support: If enabled, the customer support section will appear under the general tab. By providing details Admins will be able to provide assistance to their customers if they run into any problems.
  6. Vendor Dashboard: From the entire list of pages, select the one, containing the [mvx_vendor] shortcode. By default, the “Vendor Dashboard” page is already selected.
  7. Vendor Registration: From the entire list of pages, select the one, containing [vendor_registration] shortcode. By default, the “Vendor Registration” page is already selected.
  8. TinyMCE API: You need to configure TinyMCE API to let the admin upload media files for the knowledgebase section. In order to configure TinyMCE please read here.
  9. Available Shortcodes: Here we give you lists of all our available shortcodes that you can use for your site. To know more read here.

Vendor Registration #

Let your vendors register on your site with a fully customizable vendor registration form. You can freely customize the registration form by adding various question formats. To know more read here.

Seller Dashboard #

  • Branding Logo: Upload your site logo in this section. The logo uploaded here will be displayed on the vendor dashboard. It can also be used as a navigation tool to navigate you to the site’s homepage. If you prefer not to upload an image, the site title will be displayed here.
  • Colour Scheme: Change and choose the colour scheme of the Vendor Dashboard. There are four options available so let’s get colourful!
  • Store Setup Wizard: Help your vendors feel welcome with this introduction step where you can add some introduction or welcome speech to your vendor. This section is displayed in the vendor store setup wizard introduction step.
  • Custom CSS: In this section, you may add your CSS styles and worry not! No matter how many lines of CSS you write, this is update-safe!

Store #

  • Store Header: MultiVendorX currently provides three vendor shop templates. Selecting any one of the templates will apply to all your vendor stores.
  • Store Location: This option lets vendors display their store location on a map. This gives nearby customers the option to visit the physical store if available.
  • Location Provider: We provide two types of location provider options: Google Maps and Map Box. To know more please check our doc.
    • Google Map API: You can find your API Keys here. Generate your google map API key and insert it in the given field. Once you add your API key here, vendors will be able to set their Store Location from their Storefront settings.
    • Map Box: You can find your API Keys here. Generate your Map Box API key and insert it in this field.
  • Related Product: Select an option from the dropdown. This change is reflected in the Single Product Page.
    • Related Products from Entire Store: Shows products related to the current product from all the available products.
    • Related Products from Vendor’s Store: Shows products related to the current product from all the available products of the vendor.
    • Disable: Disables Related Product Features Completely.
  • Store Sidebar: enable this option to add the vendor’s shop-specific widget in each vendor shop page. You can select whether to display the sidebar on the left or right side of the shop.

Products #

  • Type Options: You need to select the product types option to let the vendor mark the product as Virtual or Downloadable.
  • Product fields: Using this section you can control which fields do you want to display for the vendor’s product tabs.

Product Capability #

This section basically lets the admin provide product-specific capabilities to vendors. To know more read here.

Single Product Multiple Vendor (SPMV) #

  • Allow Vendor to Copy Products: This feature gives you the option of letting multiple vendors sell the same product
  • Display Shop Page Product: With so many sellers selling the same product on your site which is the seller whose product can be displayed as a representative product? Easy, you can make this decision by choosing to show the product based on the minimum price, maximum price or top vendor (the vendor with the highest sale of the same product is regarded as the top vendor).
  • To know more Read Here.

Commission & Disbursement #

The Commission section allows you to specify the parameters for calculating commission. To know more, read here.

Policy #

You can set up policies that are exclusive to your site. These policies would be applicable if vendors do not have policies of their own

  • Store Policy Content: Add the store’s own policy that will be visible to customers.
  • Shipping Policy Content: Add a site-wide shipping policy in this ‘text area’ which will be visible on the single product page. Just make sure that your Enable Policies option is ticked. 
  • Refund Policy Content: Add a site-wide refund policy in this text area which will be visible on the single product page.
  • Cancellation / Return / Exchange Policy Content: Add a site-wide Cancellation / Return / Exchange Policy policy in this textarea which will be visible on the single product page.

Order #

  • Order Status Control: Enable this option if you want vendors to manage their own order statuses.
  • Display Suborder in mail : If this option is enabled then customers can see sub-order details in their New Order mail.

Refunds #

MultiVendorX has introduced a new section where refund options are available. Here, the admin can decide under what conditions a customer can request a refund, the duration within which a refund is possible, and the reasons for a refund. To learn more Read Here

Review & Rating #

  • Vendor Review: By enabling this option you can let customers give vendors their reviews. This feature comes with two options :
    •  Only buyers, who purchased from the vendor can rate: you can enable this option if you want only those customers who have purchased from the vendor to leave a review 
    • Buyers can rate and review vendors: By enabling this option any customer can rate or review the vendor irrespective of whether he has purchased the vendor’s product or not.
  • Review Parameter: This lets you customize the review parameter based on which customers will rate the vendors. To know more Read here.

We hope this document was helpful enough to get started. For any queries or questions don’t forget to visit the support forum.

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