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Product Stock Waitlist Manager for WooCommerce

Brief Description  #

Let your buyers subscribe to a product even when the product is out of stock using the WooCommerce  Product Stock Alert plugin .  Once subscribed, customers will get an email notification when the product becomes available again .

Requirements  #

Admin Configuration  #

You just need to go to the admin dashboard and Navigate down to Stock Manager and simply click on Settings submenu. 

After that the admin just needs to configure the following settings – 

Appearance #

Here you get options to custimze the stock alert form –

  • Personalize Layout : In this section, administrators can personalize various settings related to the alert box. The alert box will be displayed based on the configurations set in this section.
  • “Unsubscribe” Button Caption : Customize the text to be displayed on the unsubscribe button.
  • Allow Backorder Subscriptions : Turn on this setting to allow users to subscribe to out-of-stock products, even when the backorder option is enabled.
  • Display Subscriber Count for Out-of-Stock Items: Enable this setting to show the subscriber count on the single product page.
  • Display subscriber count for out of stock : Enabling this setting shows the subscriber count on the single product page.
  • Subscriber Count Notification Message: Customize the notification text to inform users about the quantity of subscribers for out-of-stock items.
  • Guest Subscriptions : Once this option is enabled, the non-logged in users can also subscribe to the out of stock products and get the notifications accordingly once the product is back in stock.
  • Subscriber Double Opt-in: Activate this option to require double confirmation from the buyer before subscribing to an out-of-stock product. To enable this feature, you will need Product Stock Waitlist Manager Pro for WooCommerce.
  • Enable reCAPTCHA: Turn on this option to enable reCAPTCHA for out-of-stock form subscriptions. To activate this feature, you will need Product Stock Waitlist Manager Pro for WooCommerce.
  • Recipient Email for New Subscriber: Enter the email address where notifications should be sent when a user subscribes to an out-of-stock product.

Prompt Messages #

In this section customize all prompt messages that will be displayed after the submission of the subscription form- 

  • Successful Form Submission: Customize the alert message displayed upon successful form submission.
  • Repeated Subscription Alert: Define the alert text to be shown when an email that is already registered is submitted for repeated subscription.
  • Email Validation Error: Specify the text to be displayed in case of an email validation error, indicating an invalid email format.
  • Unsubscribe Confirmation: Provide the text for confirming successful unsubscription from a product to which the buyer was previously subscribed.

Flow from the customer end #

Once the admin has done the configuration of all the settings the customer will get option to subscribe for a out of stock product from the frontend by putting their email address.

Please note – Upon subscribing to an out-of-stock product, the user will receive an email notification. Additionally, when the product becomes available again, another email will be sent to notify the user.

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