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Rental Products

Brief Introduction #

Now customers can easily avail of rental services from your online marketplace. With the help of MultiVendorX Pro, vendors can rent out products, add pick-up location and track these products.

Requirements #

Enable Rental Products #

By activating the rental-pro module, you can ensure that vendors can rent out products or spaces to customers in need of them. To enable the module you must –

  • Go to MultiVendorX from your admin dashboard and hover cursor till the menu-list appears.
  • Select the Module option from the menu-list.
  • Once you get directed to the Module Page, swipe the Rental-Pro Type option from the Marketplace Types list.
  • And there you have it! Let vendors rent-out as many products as they like.

To learn more about how you can create and add rental product from Admin side, follow this document carefully.

Add Rental Product #

In this tutorial we will learn how vendors can create and rent out products. To do that vendors shall start by going to –

  • The vendor dashboard and then navigating to the Rental option.
  • When the Rentals menu list appears, they can then select the Add Inventory option. This will transport them to the Inventory page.

Inventory Management #

All products the vendor plans to rent out must be added through the inventory option. Here the vendor needs to add detail like –

  • Unique product model – In this field, vendors can give a unique number to identify that product.
  • Set Quantity– In this section vendors can decide the number of products/items they want to allow for rental.
  • Distance unit– Choose the distance unit either as kilometer or mile
  • Distance Unit Price-If you select booking layout two then for location price it will be applied.
  • The followings details can be applied only when admin creates it from admin dashboard: 
  • Select Categories,Select Pickup Location,Select Drop-off location,Select Resource, Select Person,Select Deposit,Select Attributes,Select Features
  •   Price Calculation- In this field set the price for rental item_
  • Set Price Type– Vendor can choose the price type from the drop down.
    • General price- This field is to provide a general price for the rental item.
    • Hourly Price- This price will be only applicable when is for minimum of 1 day and more.
  • Product dates availability– In this field provide a date range from when will the product be available till the end day date.

Configuration Of Resources:

Allows admin  to add different speciications and pricing of the rented product for their vendor.

1.Go to Resources tab from Inventory in admin dashboard

2. Once in Resources tab, create a new resource by filling up the following fields.

  • Name- Choose an appropriate name for this category.
  • Description-Here admin can write a small description regarding the category they are creating.
  • Price Applicable- If you wish to give price then choose from dropdown list
  • Resource cost- This is the cost of the item for the rental
  • Hourly cost- If price applicable is selected as daily basis the admin needs to provide the cost of the item on hourly basis.

Configuration of Person

 To decide on the number of people accepted for a certain block of booking the rental products the vendor can start by configuring the “persons” tab. Once selected the vendor can add in the following details present under this section. 

1.Go to Persons tab from Inventory in admin dashboard.

2. Once in Person’s page, you need to fill the following fields to create a person

  • Name- This is the name that appears on your site
  • Description-Here admin can write a small description regarding the category they are creating.
  • Choose Payable or not- Select from the dropdown if you want this category to be payable.
  • Choose person type- In this field you can choose which person type you want to give rental.
  • Person cost- Admin can provide a cost for this category.
  • Price applicable- If admin wants price on daily basis or one time payment then select from this option.
  • Hourly cost- If price applicable is selected as daily basis the admin needs to provide the cost of the item on hourly basis.

Configuration of Deposit

As a renter you will want your product to be safe and secure with the customer, so allow your vendor to collect some deposit fees from your customer which is refundable upon getting the product back in safe condition.

  1. Go to Deposit tab under Inventory in admin dashboard
  2. Once in Deposit page, fill the following details:
  • Name-In this option you can provide a title for this category
  • Description-Here admin can write a small description regarding the category they are creating.
  • Security Deposit cost- It is the cost for the rental item which is refundable, for example if any damage occurs then money will not be refunded. In this section admin can provide a security deposit cost of the item given for rental. 
  • Price Applicable-If admin wants price on daily basis or one time payment then select from this option.
  • Hourly cost-If price applicable is selected as daily basis the admin needs to provide the cost of the item on hourly basis.
  • Security Deposit Money Clickable- Select this option from the dropdown if you want to show this category

Configuration of Attributes

Select different attributes for your product such as size, colour and many more.

                    1.Go to Attributes tab under Inventory in admin dashboard

2. Once in Attributes page, fill the following details:

  • Name-In this option you can provide a title which will appear on your site.
  • Description-Here admin can write a small description regarding the category they are creating.
  • Attribute name-This will be the name for the attribute that admin is creating.
  • Attribute Value- In this field admin can provide a value for the attribute of that rental item.
  • Choose an image/icon- Admin can choose whether to upload an icon/image from the dropdown list.
  • Attribute icon- write the icon if selected icon in previous field.
  • Attribute image- upload an image if selected image in “Choose an image/icon”.
  • Highlighted or not- Admin can select whether to highlight the attribute or not from dropdown list.

Configuration of Features

As a admin you might want your vendor to show the different features of their product in your site.

                    1.Go to Features tab under Inventory in admin dashboard

2. Once in Features page, fill the following details:

  • Name-In this option you can provide a title which will appear on your site.
  • Description-Here admin can write a small description regarding the category they are creating.
  • Highlighted or not- Admin can select whether to highlight the feature or not from dropdown list.

Configuration of Pickup Location

 As a renter will not want your vendor to receive your product from the customer doorsteps , hence  to save time and energy select the specific pick up location from where 

You can pick your rented products.

 1.Go to  Pickup Location under Inventory in admin dashboard

2. Once in Pickup Location, fill the following details:

  • Name-In this option you can provide a title which will appear on your site.
  • Description-Here admin can write a small description regarding the category they are creating.
  • Pickup cost-In this field provide a cost for the pickup of the rental item.
  • Latitude- Provide the latitude of the pickup location.
  • Longitude- Provide the longitude of the pickup location.

Configuration of Drop-offLocation

Let admin select a drop-off location for their vendors to hand over the product to the customer.

  1.Go to  Drop-off Location under Inventory in admin dashboard

2. Once in Drop-off Location, fill the following details:

  • Name-In this option you can provide a title which will appear on your site.
  • Description-Here admin can write a small description regarding the category they are creating.
  • Drop-off cost-In this field provide a cost for the Drop-off of the rental item.
  • Latitude- Provide the latitude of the drop-off location.
  • Longitude- Provide the longitude of the drop-off location.

Configuration of Inventory From Vendor’s End

In order to configure inventory from vendor dashboard. 

  1. Go to “Add Inventory” tab under Rentals in vendor dashboard.
  2. Once in Add Inventory page,fill the following fields:
  • Unique Product Model- In this field give a unique number to identify that product
  • Set Quantity- In this field provide the number of products wll be available for rental
  • Distance unit- Choose the distance unit either as kilometer or mile
  • Distance Unit Price-If you select booking layout two then for location price it will be applied.
  • The followings details can be applied only when admin creates it from admin dashboard: 
  • Select Categories,Select Pickup Location,Select Drop-off location,Select Resource, Select Person,Select Deposit,Select Attributes,Select Features
  •   Price Calculation- In this field set the price for rental item_
  • Set Price Type- Vendor can choose the price type from the drop down.
  • General price- This field is to provide a general price for the rental item.
  • Hourly Price- This price will be only applicable when is for minimum of 1 day and more.
  • Product dates availability- In this field provide a date range from when will the product be available till the end day date.

Configuration of New Rental Product in Vendor’s End

In order to add new rental product, navigate to Add New Product from “Product Manager” in Vendor dashboard

  1. Once in “Add new product” page, navigate to “Product type” and select “Rental Product”.
  2. Now navigate to Inventory tab and select the inventory created by vendor.
  3. Now fill the rest of the fields as required and publish the product.

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