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Brief Introduction  #

Payments are the wholly integrated process that includes the involvement of three individual parities, the customer, the vendor and the admin. While WooCommerce assumes the responsibility of the customer to admin payments, takes charge of the admin to vendor payments. MVX offers the admin with multiple options required to pay their vendor. These options include payment method, gateway charges and payment disbursement.

Customer to Admin Payment #

Allow any WooCommerce compatible payment gateway

As MVX is an extension of WooCommerce any WooCommerce compatible payment gateway is allowed on your site. By default, WooCommerce has Bank Payment, Cheque Payment, Cash on Delivery, Credit Card and PayPal integrated.

But these configurations have to be made from the backend which only an admin can modify. To learn how to configure different payment modes read here.

Admin to Vendor Payment #

Payment Methods 

MVX offers you several methods of payment that you can use to pay your vendors. These payment methods are:

Note: You can also integrate any WooCommerce payment gateway method which allows you to pay multiple recipients at the same time. To learn more about this refer to our developer documentation.

Note:  Vendors can choose their preferred payment method from the options selected by you. Note II: In the case of PayPal Masspay, PayPal Payout, Stripe Connect the following sections would appear under the payment setting sections where you will have to configure the details. You can also enable test mode if you are not too sure.

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