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Setup Wizard

Brief Introduction #

Eager to get started? So are we. You can set up your marketplace with Multivendor X in less than five minutes with our very helpful Multivendor X Admin Setup Wizard. Or, you can configure more advanced features by going to the Multivendor X settings submenu. So without further ado let’s get started on the setup process.

Multivendor X Admin Setup Wizard Guide #

Multivendor X Admin Setup Wizard starts running the second, you activate the Multivendor X plugin.  It helps you go through some very basic options needed to set up a marketplace. So let’s jump in and see how the Admin setup wizard works. 

  1. The First Step – The first screen of the setup wizard guide asks to configure Store related settings. These settings are –
    • Store URL – In the store URL placeholder you need to add the URL address of your marketplace or WooCommerce Store.
    • SPMV – The following setting includes enabling the Single Product Multiple Vendor feature. The SPMV features let vendors list other vendors’ products in the store. This way he or she becomes an alternate seller of the same product.
  2. The Second Step – Next you need to configure the commission details of the marketplace. Commission details include –
    • Revenue Sharing – You can choose how to share the commission between your vendor and yourself by selecting either of these options: Admin Fees or Vendor’s commissions.
    • Commission Type – Commission types influence the way commissions are calculated. You can choose your preferred commission option from the Commission type drop-down list.
    • Commission Value – Add the commission amount your want to charge the vendor.
  3.  The Third Step – The third step includes configuring the payment details of your marketplace. The payment details you need to add are
    • Payment Methods – Selecting the payment method will determine the way in which you choose to pay your vendors.
    • Disbursement Schedule – Refers to the duration after which payment would automatically disburse from your account to vendors’ accounts.
    • Withdrawal Request – Enabling this would let the vendor make withdrawal requests before the payment schedule.
  4. The Fourth Step – In the fourth step you can allot to vendors certain capabilities which would help them manage their stores seamlessly. These capabilities include –
    • Submit Products: By ticking this you are permitting the vendor to add and upload a product that will await your approval, before being published. Read more
    • Publish Products: By enabling this option you can let your vendors directly publish their products without waiting for your approval
    • Edit Published Products: By marking this option you can let your vendors edit the products once it has already been published.
    • Submit Coupons: On checking this, you are providing the vendor with permission to add a coupon that will await your approval, before being published and applied to products. Read more on how this works here 
    • Publish Coupons: Marking this as checked, will allow your vendors to directly upload and publish the coupon without waiting for your confirmation.
    • Edit Published Coupons: Enabling this ensures your vendors can edit the coupons once it has already been published.
    • Upload Media Files: Enabling this option will let vendors upload media files like pictures, ebooks, gifs, live interviews or lessons and sell as downloadable or virtual products.
  5. With the fourth step configured you are ready to start your marketplace!

Enable Setup Wizard Manually #

In case you have reactivated the plugin and missed the setup wizard option. Here is a quick and easy way to enable this feature

  • Go to the admin dashboard and then navigate to the MultiVendorX Plugin
  • As the MultiVendorX menu pops up, select the Tools and Status Options. Once you get redirected to the tools and status page, click on the Setup Wizard Tab.
  • And with that, you can continue with the short and easy marketplace settings.

Multivendor X Settings  #

In case you have chosen to skip the Multivendor X Admin Setup Wizard or wish to configure more advanced settings go to the Admin dashboard from there navigate to the Multivendor X menu and then choose the Settings submenu.

Once the Settings page loads, you will uncover options that will elevate your ordinary marketplace into something special. 

With this final step, we are ready to bid you adieu! Hope you enjoyed learning about MultiVendorX Setup Wizard.

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